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The managed decline of Liverpool

Some Liverpudlian | 31.12.2011 20:34 | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | Liverpool

After the working class took to the streets and rioted the last thing the ruling class wanted was an unmanaged decline of working class areas...

After the working class took to the streets and rioted the last thing the ruling class wanted was an unmanaged decline of working class areas. Plant some trees on the avenue, make some more land available for Lord this or that.

For anyone in Liverpool during the 80s and early 90s it was obvious what was happening. We were called paranoid and accused of being inward looking. Now you can see what was happening..

Some Liverpudlian


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Don't make the same mistake again - Don't trust them!

01.01.2012 21:48

Don't trust any of them, politicians, rich twats, police. If in doubt just off them for the sake of the rest of us.

All their lies will be exposed eventually, but meanwhile we need to act in our interests not theirs because everytime they get away with their bullshit they make more time for themselves.