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"Consultation on police powers to promote and maintain public order"

Laura Norder | 29.12.2011 19:14 | August Riots | Policing

A Home Office consultation on police powers in public order situations was launched in October. It closes on 13th January 2012.

"This three-part consultation seeks your views on the areas of police powers which the government is committed to reviewing:
- the relevance of the word 'insulting' in section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986
- new powers to request removal of face coverings
- new powers to impose curfew to prevent and control outbreaks of disorder

You can email the Home Office with your comments -

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Laura Norder


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An remember...keep em peeled.

29.12.2011 21:12

First using rubber bullets, then using real bullets then curfews then illegalising warm winter gear.

This article must by posted by some Conservative crone with a seat on the board of some security company trying to drum up business.

Miss Creant.

Rubber bullets have been in use for decades in Northern Ireland dumbos!

30.12.2011 09:14

Rubber bullets, water cannon and tough anti-riot tactics have been in use for decades dumbos! What are you worried about? Are you worried that it will stop you from rioting and looting?

Rioters are losers

Hop, skip and jump.

30.12.2011 16:05

"Rubber bullets, water cannon and tough anti-riot tactics have been in use for decades dumbos! What are you worried about? Are you worried that it will stop you from rioting and looting?"

I see what you have done here.

You have tried to infer that to protest for a cause is meaningless and just the same as robbing shops for mobile cell phones and chocolate. So protesting against the war, against apartheid in Israel and against the seizing and theft of the public wealth by corporations is the same as just 'going on the rob'.

Its an easy mistake to make but only if you spend your entire time watching TV and taking your knowledge from Hollywood or the BBC.

Just go back to school for a little bit and that will sort itself out.

Better yet, get a life and stop living off the public purse and calling it work. Just cause you wear a suit, fake tan and teeth whitener doesn't mean you actually mean anything in this world. Anybody can rip the people off and demand a bail-out when your natural stupidity finally comes to light.

P.S Water Cannon and rubber bullets look great on TV but that's their only use. In real life they don't achieve an awful lot except provide drama for the TV crews who broadcast the footage to put people off showing up and creating a 'scene'. Rubber bullets and Water Cannon are piss easy to deal with. Just do the job in numbers. That's all.

Turn up in a big enough lump and the day is yours.

Malenki's Vineyard.

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31.12.2011 18:09

>> You have tried to infer that to protest for a cause is meaningless and just the same as robbing shops for mobile cell phones and chocolate. So protesting against the war, against apartheid in Israel and against the seizing and theft of the public wealth by corporations is the same as just 'going on the rob'.

You can protest and be lawful.

If you protest AND are unlawful then that is that same as looting shops etc and must be stopped. This is who the removal of face coverings is aimed at.

Carry on doing your protests against the war etc. Just stay lawful and you wont have any problems to worry about of this nature.

the MET

Hop skip and jump

01.01.2012 09:57

"Rubber bullets, water cannon and tough anti-riot tactics have been in use for decades dumbos! What are you worried about? Are you worried that it will stop you from rioting and looting?"

I see what you have done here.

You have tried to infer that to protest for a cause is meaningless and just the same as robbing shops for mobile cell phones and chocolate. So protesting against the war, against apartheid in Israel and against the seizing and theft of the public wealth by corporations is the same as just 'going on the rob'.

If you are protesting and not looting and damaging property then i doubt you will have any issue.
The law applies to looters who cover their faces, or anarchists who smash things up and try to hide behind face coverings.

Not of this stops you protesting against the war.... you can do that legally without having to cover your face


1 plus 2 equals 12.

01.01.2012 16:25

"If you are protesting and not looting and damaging property then i doubt you will have any issue.
The law applies to looters who cover their faces, or anarchists who smash things up and try to hide behind face coverings."

Property is replaceable. In case you hadn't noticed, there's big money in property replacement! We live in a society that makes big bucks churning out property that is designed not to last...just so it can be a tidy profit.

The value of property is meaningless...and its your own Capitalismo that de-valued it to nothing.

The people who are dead in Parliaments wars can never be replaced. They are human beings. Once they are dead, there aint no way to bring them back. They are gone...forever.

So let me get this straight...Parliament can murder its way around the world with impunity while its media engage in village idiot dick-fiddling, but if I use the same violence to acheive my aims then I have to go to prison. Even if that violence involves nothing more than breaking a valueless window...or just talking about using violence.

But I am the individual that invests Parliament with its power!!!

I didn't tell them to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. I didn't tell them to steal my wealth and give it to their school chums to keep their businesses solvent. I didn't tell them to lie to me, to cheat me, to steal from me. I didn't tell them to do any of those things.

But they went ahead and did it anyway. Even when millions were on the streets, they went ahead and did it anyway!!!

Which means I get to wear a mask...and you get to complain about it.


The STASI and their databases

01.01.2012 17:21

"If you are protesting and not looting and damaging property then i doubt you will have any issue. The law applies to looters who cover their faces, or anarchists who smash things up and try to hide behind face coverings."
Dave just made that up. Nobody had smashed anything when this happened:
After the Block the Bridge Block the Bill demo, the police kettled around 70-80 people on Lambeth bridge, while groups of police hassled people in Westminster and later prevented some walking to Lambeth bridge.

At 4.30pm most of the bridge blockade dissolved after an announcement was made that people should leave en masse in the opposite direction to parliament. People dispersed in several directions. One stream of people walked along the river and were confronted by police as they crossed Lambeth bridge. They were surrounded and 70-80 people were kettled onto the pavement apparently under Section 60 A A which gives the police powers to make people remove any items that are being used to conceal identity or to seize them (pretty spurious since only a couple of people had face coverings).

With up to 10 police vans present and a helicopter hovering overhead they were held for several hours, being released one at a time, held whilst they were questioned and filmed from head to toe.

Dave claims that:

Not of this stops you protesting against the war.... you can do that legally without having to cover your face

Sure. You could also take your own photograph along and give it to the cops to include on their databases. However, some people will continue to believe that they have a right to remain off police databases when they haven't committed any crimes. 'Dave' could off course have given his full name, date of birth and home address with his post as it contained nothing illegal, but chose to hide behind anonymity instead.

This NetPol article offers more:How the police drive people to mask up, then criminalise them.

Fuck FIT

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

not fit fatty

01.01.2012 23:47

yeah, lamberth bridge whatever

Theres tons of examples where rioters and looters DID do property damage, intimidation, robbing, beatings and killed people. Check out the bit recent riots in London. The numbers, the damage, the deaths make your bridge episode look like a children's sunday walk in the park.

When law abiding, tax paying citizens get their homes burned and their friends and neighbours beaten and murdered by rioting thugs, then they demand the police do something about it.

Did you see middle england complaining about rubber bullets etc. No........ there was overwhelming support, millions of people signed up to a shop-a-looter etc

Im all for removing face coverings, bullets rubber plastic or otherwise after that episode. bring it on


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