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Occupy London St Pauls video reportage //

www.latele,cat | 26.12.2011 19:25

Join Occupy London at St Pauls and be guided by the Occupiers through
the connections between Old London, the church and the economic
injustices of today.
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Situated right between St Pauls Cathedral and the City of London, in
the words of one Occupier, 'the camp represents people power, the
majority, at the centre of the scales of economic injustice and
spiritual injustice'. Another occupier asks 'Is God for Sale?' and
explains how events have unfolded between the church, the police,
local workers and the City of London.

The camp and the threat of eviction has provoked a seismic shift in
the church's political position and for now the church has come down
on "the side of the people". Iman Dr Muhammad Al-Hussaini of the
camp's clergy liason group outlines in more detail the political power
of the City of London Corporation. Activists of many backgrounds are
coming together and making a public stand against the gap between
the rich and the poor.

The video soundtrack starts with jam session recordings from the
guerilla garden in the Acampada Barcelona and finishes up with the
"Occupy" track from the recent Durban protests around the climate
summit COP17.

Subtitles in spanish and catalan in process! If you can help, please
get in touch!


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