No sell outs - link the strikes!
Leicestershire Solidarity Group | 23.12.2011 12:06 | Workers' Movements
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No sell outs - link the strikes!
It looks as if a number of public sector union leaders are now virtually gagging to sell out their members, despite the mass show of strength on November 30th. It is vital, therefore, that we do what we can to build a fighting counterweight to the toothless and collaborationist bureaucrats. That fight starts here, in our workplaces and in our locality.
Additionally, the actions of striking electricians has already shown a way forward and by uniting the fight of local public sector workers with the electricians who recently struck unofficially in Hinckley and with all militant private sector workers, we can begin building a real resistance to austerity, cuts and attacks on working class people.
With this in mind, Leicestershire Solidarity Group calls for a Leicestershire-wide rank and file workers' meeting to take place in January 2012. All public and private sector workers, union members, shop stewards and reps are invited to help us organise, publicise and participate in this meeting, the goal of which, is to build a viable response to both the government and treacherous leaders and bureaucrats, and to coordinate rank and file action outside of the stranglehold of sell-out union bureaucrats.
We'll be announcing a date and venue for a planning meeting very soon, in the meantime, we urge all who are not prepared to take this lying down to get in touch with us at and to help to build a local fighting alternative in the public and private sectors.
No sell outs - link the strikes!
It looks as if a number of public sector union leaders are now virtually gagging to sell out their members, despite the mass show of strength on November 30th. It is vital, therefore, that we do what we can to build a fighting counterweight to the toothless and collaborationist bureaucrats. That fight starts here, in our workplaces and in our locality.
Additionally, the actions of striking electricians has already shown a way forward and by uniting the fight of local public sector workers with the electricians who recently struck unofficially in Hinckley and with all militant private sector workers, we can begin building a real resistance to austerity, cuts and attacks on working class people.
With this in mind, Leicestershire Solidarity Group calls for a Leicestershire-wide rank and file workers' meeting to take place in January 2012. All public and private sector workers, union members, shop stewards and reps are invited to help us organise, publicise and participate in this meeting, the goal of which, is to build a viable response to both the government and treacherous leaders and bureaucrats, and to coordinate rank and file action outside of the stranglehold of sell-out union bureaucrats.
We'll be announcing a date and venue for a planning meeting very soon, in the meantime, we urge all who are not prepared to take this lying down to get in touch with us at


Leicestershire Solidarity Group