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'These kids are absolutely fucked'

vast minority | 23.12.2011 07:48

A NEW video on the street revolt in Greece has been published on Vimeo by Ross Domoney.

On December 6th 2008 a police shooting of a 16 year old innocent boy in Athens started a two-week revolt in cities around Greece.

The film, featured on the From the Greek Streets blog, explains how anger at his death was combined with the frustration of a new generation for whom the future is bleak. "These kids are absolutely fucked."

Three years on people march in remembrance of Alexis Grigoropoulos. Greece now is very much in social and economic turmoil, with all parts of the community sharing the rage of the youth.

The streets look like a war zone as petrol bombs and rocks are hurled at the hated riot cops - often far right extremists in state uniforms.

Where will it all end? Nobody can know.

vast minority
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23.12.2011 19:37

The answer to where does it end has two prongs. The first is to re -tool to the renewables such as wind, tidal, and solar power which transforms to electricity, and is more power than can be used by society. The reason is that the burning of fossil fuels is killing the oxygen content of the atmosphere presently at a rate that nature cannot sustain the taking out of the carbon, and the putting back of clean oxygen which it did before the first industrial revolultion. The oxygen is already gone by 38% and we cannnot live on the replacement which is CO2-- carbon-dioxide. Just maintaining the present system will end in zero oxygen and asphyixiation of all oxygen breathing species on the planet. That makes if necessary to change the systems reliance on coal, gas, oil, and atomic energy which destroys the planets livability by pollution and poisoning from the waste burn-out of oxygen. Returning to work should mean paying the workers union rates and providing good living and working conditions while the emense task of Re-tooling the means of production takes place.

The second question is answered by explaining the liberation of the specie contains the necessity of restoring the MATRIARCHY, which was destroyed as a functioning equality of natures 50-50 electing by the advent of Empires, and to this day obviously never restored as such.
The present alienated placement of the man, woman question, whereby man rules all democracy, and women are deliberately put in an inferior position throughout society is not natural, and bespeaks the conquest of past empires for the glory to the enslaving militarists rulers such as Sextus, which were all male domination of the specie.

Why is this important. It is because the material laws of the liberation contains the natural joy and harmony, which is the natural condition of the species joy and harmony that is the natural equality elected man, woman condition. The British Tribes before the Roman Slaveholders Conquest, did function as a natural MATRIARCHY, that was destroyed by the Roman Slaveholders war machine for over five hundred years of Roman Military Occupation.
The slave holders pens, which are now called the MODERN PRISON did the military job of divide and rule. There was no criminal classes before the conquest, and all participated to improve the living and working conditions to their utmost, and those elected to governance were the ones that did most successfully cause the societies to do just that.

The polity was elected 50-50 to harmonize the ecological organic balance of the society they lived in. The Roman Conquest functioned to end this natural balance by putting all the tribes into the slaveholder pens which made sure that man was divided from women and children, and women were divided from men and children and the only ones to emerge from the pen prisons were the ones that vowed to work for Rome and the empire, and the Emperors authorities which were the Roman Slaveholder Military.

Needless to say this was not popular to a people who lived the FREE LIFESTYLE for thousands of years. Nor was it popular throughout the Roman Empire, and eventually brought the empire down to defeat.

However just because the Empire fell it does not mean that full blown changes to the class struggle took place. You can see that even today the women as a whole are not elected equally and paid equally, nor do they have access to ahlf the wealth and law making or religio wise authority.

It is the mission of the worlds' trade unions to restore 'GENDER PARITY'; to the specie again and to the polity so that a bold step to bring about liberation to the natural condition of the specie can occur throughout the world.

For liberation to take place the Greeks must also denounce wages slavery sponsored by the IMF and the Imperialist-Camps insistence in glorifiying Militarism as a last ditch stand of all the past and present empires to continue the false chauvanism of Male domination of all democracy.

The Greek People would be much better off to work together and harmonize the class struggle while maintaining their independence and freedom from any foreign domination. Workers of the world, unite!! You have a world to win!!

Unity Jack