Swindon Anarchists target tax dodgers
Town End Boy | 19.12.2011 09:05 | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements
Saturday the 17th of December saw the Swindon Anarchists (with a little help from Bristol) taking to the streets as part of a national day of action against banks and tax dodgers called by UKuncut.
The day started with the group targetting Lloyds banks, highlighting the massive taxpayer funded bailouts they have recieved as well as their continued bosses bonus culture.
The group then moved on to Topshop, highlighting the massive tax-dodging antics of owner Philip Green. Green, owner of the Arcadia group (who own most of the shops you will see on an average highstreet) uses his wifes offshore bank account to avoid paying hundreds of millions in tax, depite being one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country.
Hundreds of leaflets were distributed to the public, who were overwhelmingly supportive of the demo and disgusted to learn that the rich are getting richer by cheating the taxpayer while the rest of us suffer in this recession.
At both Lloyds and Topshop, activists entered the buildings, making a bit of noise, leafletting and chatting to customers. In Topshop, a prominent window display was briefly occupied, with anti tax-dodger banners and red and black flags unfurled. All in all another good day out for Swindon Anarchists and hopefully, as part of the national day of action, a pain in the arse for rich, tax dodging scum like Mr Green.
Swindon Anarchists are a growing network of class-struggle anarchists in Swindon and Wiltshire. So far, we have organised and taken part in mostly anti-cuts actions, but our remit includes environmental issues, anti-fascism, workers rights and other progressive issues.
To get involved, drop us an email at swindonanarchists@riseup.net
We'd also like to give a massive shout out to our comrades in Bristol Anarchist Federation who have always been willing to provide the resources and help we've needed to set up the Swindon Anarchists group. Check out what they get up to at bristolaf.wordpress.com
The group then moved on to Topshop, highlighting the massive tax-dodging antics of owner Philip Green. Green, owner of the Arcadia group (who own most of the shops you will see on an average highstreet) uses his wifes offshore bank account to avoid paying hundreds of millions in tax, depite being one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country.
Hundreds of leaflets were distributed to the public, who were overwhelmingly supportive of the demo and disgusted to learn that the rich are getting richer by cheating the taxpayer while the rest of us suffer in this recession.
At both Lloyds and Topshop, activists entered the buildings, making a bit of noise, leafletting and chatting to customers. In Topshop, a prominent window display was briefly occupied, with anti tax-dodger banners and red and black flags unfurled. All in all another good day out for Swindon Anarchists and hopefully, as part of the national day of action, a pain in the arse for rich, tax dodging scum like Mr Green.
Swindon Anarchists are a growing network of class-struggle anarchists in Swindon and Wiltshire. So far, we have organised and taken part in mostly anti-cuts actions, but our remit includes environmental issues, anti-fascism, workers rights and other progressive issues.
To get involved, drop us an email at swindonanarchists@riseup.net
We'd also like to give a massive shout out to our comrades in Bristol Anarchist Federation who have always been willing to provide the resources and help we've needed to set up the Swindon Anarchists group. Check out what they get up to at bristolaf.wordpress.com
Town End Boy
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tax dodgers
19.12.2011 10:59
19.12.2011 11:45
The UK's square mile is responsible for all the shadow financial fuckaries going on, all the money for Leymans, MF Global, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan go through the city, we're at the centre of this global financial ponzi scheme.
Your little swipe at a few people that might or might not be tax dodgers is quite purile and childish compared to the financial shit-storm that's going down.
milton freidman
"Tax dodger" or "tax avoider"?
19.12.2011 14:01
If a "tax dodger" you should only need to bring to the attention of the appropiate authority. If a "tax avoider" (LEGALLY not paying more tax than required to by the tax regs) then your gripe should be with those who write the laws. It is more than a little awkward casting stones at somebody (no matter how rich) for not voluntarily paying more tax than required to pay. I don't pay any more tax than I am required to and I bet you don't either. Heck, many of our tax forms both state and federal DO have a box you can check if you want to pay more. Damned few people take advantage of the oportunity.
@MDN: the rich *are* the people who write the laws
19.12.2011 19:48
So it's hardly surprising that rich people have dozens of "loopholes" to avoid paying tax while regular people like you and I get shafted.
wicked mate!!!
20.12.2011 09:20
20.12.2011 13:31
Socialists - fair enough, but Anarchists?
Sort of (not a complete explanation)
20.12.2011 13:33
If we are going to make progress changing the world we need to be honest with ourselves, stop making excuses. We have NOT succeeded in making our case convincing to "the people". Thye look at us and say "THAT lot in power"???????
20.12.2011 13:39
Socialists - fair enough, but Anarchists?"
Any particular reason you can think of why anarchists wouldn't oppose ruling class hypocrisy or stand up for the last few remaining working class resources, Ann?
Yes and no
20.12.2011 13:49
Thats not what they are saying though is it.
Seems odd to me that anarchists are opposed to tax evation seeing as their ideology precludes a state and taxation, they ought to be applauding this tax evasion as it keeps money out of the hands of the state.
Anarchist hyprocrisy.
20.12.2011 13:53
Even when it is at the expense of working class people?
To @
20.12.2011 14:12
Not sure how such a view sits with Anarchism, seems contrary to it's political ideology.
Anarchism is closer to the small state - low taxation of the Taxpayers Alliance.
With only one exeption the Anarchists I know go to great pains to avoid any taxation, whilst endeavouring to get as much from the state as they can, and even hiding their inherited wealth from the state.
That lot in power!!!!!!!!!
21.12.2011 00:44
Can't see that many people wanting them to tell us what we can and can't do.
>> With only one exeption the Anarchists I know go to great pains to avoid any taxation, whilst endeavouring to get as much from the state as they can, and even hiding their inherited wealth from the state.
Its pitiful isn't it? It makes me so angry, i honestly think i hate anarchists more than any other group in existance for their hypocrisy. Heres a group that supposedly hate the state so much, don't pay their fair share, - fair enough........ but....spend all their time trying to swindle as much money out of the system.... and then have a gall to tell everyone that they want the state disbanded. Where the heck are you going to get all their 'free' money from after that?
Really makes me angry. I realise this is an anarchist site, but i think you guys live in a small bubble. Its not like there are 100,000s of anarchists in the UK. You are a tiny fringe minority with some very distorted views.
The real 99%
21.12.2011 08:12
"Thye look at us and say "THAT lot in power"???????"
So heres 2 recent articles which show how crap your trolling really is:
1) Most people don't go and do their own research. Their world view is formed by the media, which most anarchists would be able to understand is owned by the corporations and ruling class. and which therefore has an investment in keeping things pretty much as they are. So, most people have a pretty distorted idea of the basis of anarchism, which is a rejection of authority and power being held in the hands of the few.
"Noam Chomsky... has compiled a list of the ten most powerful and effective strategies resorted to by the agendas “hidden” to establish a manipulation of the population through the media."
Its not well written but it does give a general flavour of how we are presented with a "reality" that is constructed in their interest alone.
Article 2: Thank you anarchists
Which explains why:
"politics is not a matter of choosing among what we’re offered but of fighting for what we and others actually need, not to mention what we hope for."
Now why don't you start using a local USA IMC and doing something about the shitty repressive state you actually live in?
21.12.2011 10:08
anarchists seem a bit confused about the cuts, because all the demands are effectively the same as that of the rest of the reformist old labour left. nothing wrong with that, but what does anarchism really mean politically if it is just calling for the same stuff as old labour? why bother with the anarchist label when it is just old labour dressed up in hipper clothes?
copycat leftism
21.12.2011 17:19
feral lumpen
youre wrong
21.12.2011 20:09
Why don't you stop supporting stupid anarchism ideals and start getting these companies to pay their fair share like everyone else does? If we reduce tax, it should be for all, no one group should get away with not paying if everyone else does.
hypocrisy of the rich
21.12.2011 21:22
Cause they'll definatley pay
22.12.2011 14:22
I'd say no, I don't think this is as a public pressure campaign, the way I look at the uncut/ tax dodger movement is like this: we're told by cameron, clegg, obsbourne, the telegraph et al that the cuts are the only choice, unavoidable. What a lot of people don't realise, and what the tax dodgers movement is showing some of them, is that they aren't. And that the reason the economy is fucked is not just because of the big bad bankers and the cuts therefore a necessary evil the Tories are carrying out, but that companies like these get away with a lot of shit that they like to keep nice and quiet and that that hurts us. Its about damaging brands, making it difficult for these businesses to operate, letting people know when they buy from topshop it aint just the sweatshop labourers that are loosin out, its them as well. Cause whilst i envision a society without a state handing out welfare and care thats the world we like in at the moment an if i break me leg i dont wanna be sat in a & e for two years cause all the nurses jobs have been cut and starve to death cause there isn't any dole anymore.
If the campaign genuinley expected that a result of constant pressure they were gonna get the taxes paid and the cuts reversed i'd call them naive and reformist and want nowte to do with em. But i think when other write these kinds of actions off because they think thats the objective they me be being a little naive too. Think of it as subvertising, it aint gonna cause catastrophic polarisation and revoltution but it might open a few peoples eyes and help feed related movements and antagonism.
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