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Happy 24th.Birthday Bradley Manning! -before military tribunal for exposing war

Solidarity | 17.12.2011 10:08 | Terror War

YOUTUBE (1min 41 ecs) "Lovers Electric" and friends in hometown Adelaide, South Australia celebrate Bradley Manning' 24th. birthday & his nonviolent resistance to the war and spread the word!

F5 2011 YOUTUBE by Radfax (3 mins 48 secs)
- "Lovers Electric" perform a song for Bradley Manning at Giuseppe Conlon House" London

- Homepage:


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Happy Birthday Breanna

17.12.2011 12:45

Breanna Manning, not Bradley Manning.

She was about to start her physical transition when they arrested her. She said that her worst fear was having he photos plastered all over the world's media as a boy, with the pronoun "he", instead of being seen as the woman she is. She said this to her was a more awful thought even that being executed, imprisoned, tortured...

