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Reverend Jesse Jackson to visit occupylsx on Thursday 15 December at 3pm!

Occupy London stock exchange | 14.12.2011 18:18

Occupy London is delighted that Rev Jesse Jackson will be visiting the OccupyLSX camp at St Paul’s Churchyard at 3pm on Thursday to show his support for the Occupy movement. Facilitated by Lee Jasper, Co Chair of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) along with other invited guests.

Jesse will be speaking about the global financial crisis, the need for social and economic justice alongside the necessity of forging international links that have diversity and anti racism at their core. This is an event which is not to be missed. For those who don't know who he is, he is an African-American civil rights activist and Baptist minister who was a candidate for the American Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988 and served as shadow senator for the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1997. Full story here:

Occupy London stock exchange


Jackson: "We represent Jesus standing outside the temple" (07:51)

15.12.2011 21:39

Download: Jesse Jackson 15 12 2011 OLSX - mp3 2.7M

Here is the full speech - some encouraging liberation theology and a rather pushy people´s microphone performance.

chameleon hippiepunk


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Have a word with yourselves!

14.12.2011 19:39

Lee Jasper, Jesse Jackson, invited guests... For fucks sake...

Need I say more on Indymedia?


lee jasper - be careful of him you impressionable young activists folk

14.12.2011 19:52

good evening mr waldheim

common ground

Just keep going.

14.12.2011 21:08

Many thanks for posting that OLSX.

Excellent move.

Please make sure you post a good article with complete video on here after his speech. We want to know what he has to say and need it to publish on our own blogs and sites to spread the word.

Keep going.


exclusive anarchist snobbery

15.12.2011 10:56

fucking anarchist snob bullshit does my head in
somebody wants to come and show support for the movement but just because he has tried to engage with the system in a different way to the classic anarchist bullshit of wearing black and listening to shit music whilst living in a caravan, he isnt good enough.
pisses me off, ive seen this snobbery all around european anarchist scenes..... worst in bilbao and in berlin. being an anarchist is not about being some fucking annoying little rich kid who cant understand why not everyone else wants to rebel in exactly the same way.
if the people who call themselves anarchists (but in my experience they dont know shit) got their own way then would we all have to wear black and listen to really really shit punk music all day? ffs
im pissed off because i have constantly had to battle against this kind of shit from the super cool fucking anarchist nob heads who think just because they read crimethink they know it all.
And in practice i am a better anarchist than most of these rich kids.
Its like being back in bloody school and theres this exclusive little group of posh bastards who all pretend that their mothers were not head teachers in some leafy cotswold village.
reminds me of the goths at my old school.... bunch of wankers!
get over yourselves and start making friends outside your little anarchy club
making networks is what you want to be doing, not destroying networks with negativity.
its no use just being an anarchist! We need to move on past just opposing things and start building our networks..... and that means building bridges and making friends with lots and lots of different people. You cannot enforce anarchy it will grow itself as networks form. Anarchy is the absence of something, and what we need to replace the hierarchies with is NOT a load of 20-30 somethings sitting round in dingy caravans wearing blackand listening to shit music. Truly inclusive networks that include everyone are what we need!
sometimes i think a lot of these rich kids who rebel and wear black and call themselves anarchists actually enjoy being an exclusive little minority.
middle class bastards!!!!!!



15.12.2011 12:30

"Anarchy is the absence of something, and what we need to replace the hierarchies with is NOT a load of 20-30 somethings sitting round in dingy caravans wearing blackand listening to shit music"

"classic anarchist bullshit of wearing black and listening to shit music whilst living in a caravan"

Who is the snob sara? You are a middle class prejudiced arse. How fucking dare you...

Another Anarchist

a bit over the top

15.12.2011 12:55

i probably overreacted a bit there reading back what i wrote, but its born of years of frustration.
Its so easy to just conform to the anarchist cliche but i have always tried to get beyond that and its really bloody hard and btw im not middle class, not that i think that makes me any better than anyone else its just that a lot of the hot air blowers who call themselves anarchists and who tick all the boxes for classic cliche anarchists simply do not understand the non middle class perspective. They dont get it, they dont get why poor people often cling on to religion for example. and lots of other things.
but i should apologise for any offense i caused with the above comment which was a bit over the top so im sorry for that.
Its just so frustrating trying to make things grow and change for the better when there is this lame middle class rebel thing going on.
anyone who is colourful or even cheerful is branded a hippy..... anyone who doesnt like punk music is a snob.... (despite the fact that punk music is actually shit and has nothing to do with true anarchy..... rather it is a safe vehicle for the expression of lame middle class rebellion)
and im no fan of jesse jackson or grandstanding celebrity types but still the occupy movement is an opportunity for lots of different people to come together.
ask yourselves..... how many times have you seen a non white middle class activist...... so what are we going to do about that? reinforce the cliche or try to break down the barriers
its fine for people to be clichy when they are 15 but we all need to grow up a bit.
ps wearing black should be reserved for black bloc actions and not have to be some kind of constant fashion statement. i like colourful clothes but if you call me a hippy i might slap you! only joking


Lots of reasons to be negative about Lee Jasper

15.12.2011 13:02

Here is one bullshit moment from his past (amongst many):

Networking with anybody who cares to be pitch up or be invited is not such a dastardly modern new and exciting way of doing politics. You might find out that some non-caravan dwelling anarchists with totally good taste in music have good reasons to be negative about a whole range of failed politicos, political celebrities and media pundits that we have come across in the past. Not because anarchists are only about negation and moaning but because they have learnt one or two things from years of non-spectacular, non- media frenzied political organising around questions of horizontality, careerism, betrayal, snitches and so forth.

First they invited Billy Bragg
Then they invited Polly Toynbee
Then they invited Thom Yorke
Then they invited Lee Jasper...

Maybe the next guest can be Tommy Sheridan. Then we will see how negative anarchists can get. Google the reasons why.

- Homepage:


15.12.2011 13:10

stop being such a fucking hippy snob.


fair point

15.12.2011 13:20

I got a bit carried away with my own shit for a minute there..... yes of course we should be wary of celebrity bullshit and careerism and the like, i totally agree with that.
but still there is a problem. I think there are a lot of people who call themselves anarchists but who totally fail to understand what it means. And putting up with this shit has left a massive chip on my shoulder! grrrr


to sara

15.12.2011 16:20

bilbao anarchist scene? i lived there for 8 years or so and couldn't detect anything that resembled an anarchist scene. certainly there were a lot of Basque nationalists who might have resembled anarchists in a poor light. but i'd be interested to hear your experience...



16.12.2011 17:03

I cannot believe that radicals like those posting here have been taken in by Lee Jasper and Jesse Jackson. Both are hustlers and crooks who have made millions from the gullibility of well meaning people like yourselves.

Read " Shakedown: exposing the real Jesse Jackson" by Kenneth R Timmerman. The man is a walking lie. He posed for most of his career as an ordained minister which he wasn't only being given a divinity degree bt Chigao Theological Seminary in 2000.

He wasn't on the balcony when Martin Luther King was shot and he is a well known Jew hater. It seems that the great and the good from the UK boycotted this meeting. Does anyone have any photos of it so we can see how many people were there?

mail e-mail:


16.12.2011 23:32

"He wasn't on the balcony when Martin Luther King was shot and he is a well known Jew hater. It seems that the great and the good from the UK boycotted this meeting. Does anyone have any photos of it so we can see how many people were there?"

Being a jew hater probably means he has criticised Israel at some point. Which for Zionists means he hates all jews and is an anti-semitic Nazi...poor deluded children that they are. Its the only way Zionists can get support these threatening jews and engaging in anti-semitism!!

And what do you mean when you say "It seems that the great and the good from the UK boycotted this meeting."

What do you mean by 'seems' and the 'great and the good' and 'boycotted'?

Who boycotted? who thinks he's a jew hater? who stayed away?


Good report.

16.12.2011 23:38

Lots of video's online of the speech and clearly a good few hundred people on site to listen to him.

Ignore the comments about jew hating and people boycotting it....never happened!!!


lee jasper

17.12.2011 17:41

hey mr jasper where did that money go?

lee jasper has been renting himself out for decades as a self-appointed representative of the black community for any politician or businessman who wants to be able to tick the "race issues listened to" box and pat themselves on the back.

those in power love him. he tells them what they want to hear, for a small fee, and helps them look good. meanwhile nothing positive happens for the black people he claims to speak for, and he gets rich.

he is hated on the streets of brixton. he does not speak for us, never has. he is a careerist and a stooge.

some years ago he, and an associate of his, were given large sums of money to set up a community project which never came to anything. some attempts were made to investigate but he got away with it, being so popular amongst those in power of course he did.

hey mr jasper where did that money go?

long-term anti-racist activist