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Sicko Tory MP in Nazi stunt

43 | 12.12.2011 00:00 | Occupy Everywhere | Anti-racism | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements

David Cameron's friend Tory MP Aidan Burley says he's the "candidate for Berlin East" and high-fives David Cameron while his brother and friends dress in SS uniforms and chant Nazi slogans.

David Cameron and Aidan Burley
David Cameron and Aidan Burley

David Cameron and Aidan Burley
David Cameron and Aidan Burley

First David Cameron's friend Jeremy "Anders Breivik" Clarkson called for striking public sector workers to be murdered and for the remains of suicide victims to be eaten by wild animals. Now David Cameron's friend Tory MP Aidan Burley says he's the "candidate for Berlin East" and high-fives David Cameron while his brother and friends dress in SS uniforms and chant Nazi slogans (disrespecting all British people who died fighting Fascism during WW2, disrespecting all British civilians murdered by Nazis during the Blitz, and disrespecting all Anti-Fascists and all victims of Fascism world-wide).

No doubt the right-wing trolls will descend on this post, bleating their tedious mantra about how things that no decent person would dream of saying were "only" a joke, but 1. for something to be a joke it has to be funny, and 2. "many a true word is spoken in jest". Today, the kind of scum who would once have joined Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists are forced by political expediency to make do with Tory party membership instead.



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The right-wing press

12.12.2011 00:06

Fair play to the Daily Mail for breaking this story


Another ski-resort Tory

12.12.2011 00:14

Meanwhile, back on the slopes.... an anonymous woman banker let the girls down in a recent issue of Grazia magazine (number 344), complaining about protesters and anyone that dares have a pop at the City of London. Life as a struggling banker sounds seriously tough. These snippets should melt the coldest of anti-capitalist hearts:

"This year I got a £30,000 bonus which was just enough to pay off my credit card and cover my ski trip to Val d'Isère. I'll be devastated if I don't get more in January. I bet the chanting protesters don't stop for a moment to think about what my life is like. Yes, I've been on five holidays this year, but every one has been cut short by a work emergency. We work so hard on such little sleep that I've started to suffer short-term memory problems. I've lost count of the number of times I've put down my Blackberry and then totally forgotten where I've left it. Long gone are the days of free drinks at a bar where the tab could easily run to over £1,000 within a couple of hours. Yes, 99 per cent of the population are struggling financially – but so are we."


Does it really matter if people dress up as Nazis for fancy dress?

12.12.2011 17:14

I'm completely against fascism, racism and nazism, but it is really such a big deal if people dress up as Nazis for fancy dress?

If someone dresses up as the devil they aren't saying they will condemn people to a life of eternal torture and damnation. If someone dresses up as a vampire they aren't condoning killing people by sucking their blood dry. If they dress as a Roman emperor they aren't saying slavery and setting lions on Christians and slaves is OK. There are millions more examples like this.

Why is dressing up as a Nazi any different? The whole point of fancy dress is to dress up as something you are not.

By all means attack this person for being a Tory MP - he is total scum for that - but complaining about a fancy dress costume is just right-wing moral posturing of the sort the Daily Mail likes to do.

In my anarchist utopia people will be welcome to dress up as Nazis, as long as they aren't neo-Nazis themselves, of course.



12.12.2011 18:50

If you'd bothered to read any of the articles, you'd have seen its not just a question of these idiots wankering around in fancy dress, they made a deliberate effort, in their own words, to be as offensive as possible, chanting the names of Nazi war criminals in a community that suffered terribly from Nazism

As for the examples you mention, FYI the Roman empire came to an end over a thousand years ago and the devil doesn't actually exist, whereas Nazism is a movement that butchered millions of people within living memory, and continues to inspire violence today


Its only a joke

12.12.2011 23:07


Charlie Chaplin portrayed hitler.

How many films have hitler in it of either a serious nature or of comedy value?

How many films, books, plays have nazis in them?

If you are seriously going to ban it as fancy dress, then I think you need to seriously think of banning all the films.

I think you are just pre-judging him because he is a tory. Doesn't matter what he does, you'd find something to complain about it.



12.12.2011 23:29

It's considered not a "joke" in country which suffered brutal Nazi occupation, you berk

Not a joker