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Course closures fund UoB VC David Eastwood’s pay rise

student | 10.12.2011 15:49 | Education | Birmingham

In spite of course closures a rise in tuition fees and likely staff cuts the University of Birmingham can still find enough money to give Vice Chancellor David Eastwood a pay rise

The University of Birmingham has just released it’s annual accounts which reveal Vice Chancellor David Eastwood has received a 7% pay rise and now earns £419,000 a year. It seems the university will fund this pay rise by saving money on staff cuts and closing courses such as Biological Recording. The School of Biosciences has recently announced that it will cease to host the 'Biological Recording and Species Identification' programmes (UCert, PG Cert, PG Dip, MSc and day schools). A petition has been set up to save the course. The Course had built up a reputation of providing the best foundation in identification skills available with students prepared to travel from all over the UK.

Eastwood actively supported the Government plans for tuition fee rises, in fact he played a key role in forming those plans as he was a member of the Browne review. Unsurprisingly he will be raising undergraduate tuition fees at the University of Birmingham to the maximum of £9000, in spite of the fact that the operating surplus at the University has grown by 21% to £27m.

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£282,000 spent on VC home Refurbishment

10.12.2011 16:11

After David Eastwood’s, one of the highest paid Vice-Chancellors in the country, 11% pay rise last year it came to light that the University had spent £282,000 on the Refurbishment of his rent-free home. The money was spent on improvements to his house including new carpets, curtains, a bathroom and the installation of a commercial kitchen.


Rest of uni staff only get 0.62% pay rise

11.12.2011 21:44

Compared to Eastwoods 7% pay rise normal staff at the uni have only had a 0.62% pay rise
