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Russian anarchists torch police car and call for uprising

vast minority | 10.12.2011 10:26

RUSSIAN anarchists have torched a police car and called for a radical uprising against the regime.

Says a statement from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Russian Cell, FAI/IRF, posted on the 325 website on Friday "After December the 4th (election day in Russia), when the Russian state deployed numerous police and military forces in Moscow and common people took to the streets to shout 'Enough is enough' in the face of cops and corrupt bureaucrats in all major Russian cities, anarchists were engaged in assembly work, organizing and propaganda.

"Last week saw several clashes of common people with police (anarchists took part in those fights): 1 & 2

"This 'popular dissent' is expressed not only in Moscow, but in St. Petersburgh, Nizhnii Novgorod, Tyumen and other big cities.

"System opposition called for a mass rally on December the 10th. Them and the authoritarian lefties try to come on top in this situation and direct the malcontent towards liberal reformism and pacifist practices.

"Tomorrow will be the day we’ve been fighting hard to see coming. Tomorrow is the day that the Russian regime anticipates with fear.

"Being not the least among those who helped build-up the situation, we continue to push for a more radical character of popular uprising.

"On 09/12/2011 we torched a police car. Solidarity with all active insurgents, solidarity to all revolutionary anarchists in prisons!

"Push for anarchist revolution!"

Occupy Red Square!

Live streaming of protest in Russia can be seen at

vast minority
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Hide the following 6 comments

Western Stooges

10.12.2011 14:04

Those fighting the Russian government are nothing but Western backed stooges funded by MI6 and the CIA. The West hates Russia for it's support of Iran including selling them nuclear technology for their plant at Bushehr.

Russia is not a pawn of the West and will never give in to intimidation from Western backed agents, the Russian people will fight against any and all interference from outsiders.


best anarchists join with international callers against putin for reelection

10.12.2011 14:45

+ moderation, even better a cooperative direct democratic government without rulers abit like switzerland would be nice, thats what millions wanted for last election in UK. Lets not let ourselves be used as cannon fodder & propaganda fodder for strategies of tension & undemocratic reasons please. My mum & gran+ family escaped siberian slave camps after fighting the nazis sinces 1930s!, some didnt get out, Без перевода.

Green syndicalist

Western Stooges running away...

10.12.2011 20:26

...but they are not anarchists.

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mian stream news bigging it up !!

11.12.2011 12:27

Wow, the BBC is big on these russian protests, funny that they seem to make this a top priority news report and it stays on the headlines for days. I seem to remember that when the Occupy protests started it took the Big Bullshit Conspiracy a week or two before they even mentioned it.
They're headlines are really bigging up these protests, I wonder why ? ?
It could be that they have a common interest with the Protestors, perhaps they are working for the same "firm" the same "boss" the Protestors are western agent provocatuers and the Corporate media sucks ..

Medien Phantom

Sponsored by the 'Man'!

11.12.2011 14:59

"Wow, the BBC is big on these russian protests, funny that they seem to make this a top priority news report and it stays on the headlines for days. I seem to remember that when the Occupy protests started it took the Big Bullshit Conspiracy a week or two before they even mentioned it.
They're headlines are really bigging up these protests, I wonder why ? ?
It could be that they have a common interest with the Protestors, perhaps they are working for the same "firm" the same "boss" the Protestors are western agent provocatuers and the Corporate media sucks .."

The situation is that the US and UK have just engaged in a strong currency war with the EU in an attempt to stall the rise of the Euro as the worlds next global reserve currency. The western backed media joined in with this conflict with CNN and the BBC's international wings strongly talking up the problems in Europe over Greece and its bailout by Germany and France, the EU's biggest players. They did this in an attempt to hasten Greec's collapse and to further exploit the fallout in order to service US foreign policy.

That conflict is now over and the US lost quite convincingly.

Which leaves the UK having to explain why it is an EU member but has backed the US against the EU's interests. Over the course of the past few days the British Government has been forced to vote over the proposed changes to the structure of the union and have found that they have no material support among ANY EU member state. This has left it with a vote minus any leverage and that in turn means it cannot use that vote to serve its own self interests by using it to cut deals with other members. As a result, the UK vote is sterile and Cameron has been unable to use it so has been forced to veto.

This leaves the UK floating between an increasingly isolated and marginalised US and an ascendant EU.

A strong EU serves to act as a strategic buffer between the US and its material aims in the Middle-East. The US cannot maintain a presense in the Middle-East in an environment where the 'locals' are strong and backed by heavyweight partners. It cannot maintain a presense in the Middle-East in an economic environment in which the US dollar currency reserve status is questionable. A strong EU presents problems for US strategy planners that it would prefer not to have.

Russia is a nation that is stronger because the US is unable to divide the EU or inject economic disruption into it which it can then use to cut deals with EU nations which in turn strengthens its hand against both Russia and China.

Whether the protests in Russia are actually organised by the British SIS or US NIA is mute and not particularly relevant within the wider context of the US's ongoing failures at present. In all likelihood, those protests are spontaneous and organised by people who come from the same stock as the Indignados, Occupy and Muslim Brotherhood movements. Just ordinary people sick and tired of being governed by international cartels of business and industry taking the place of their supposed governments.

At a time of severe economic disruption and compelling shrinkage in international legitimacy and influence, the US and UK can be expected to be taking the sides of the marginalised and isolated.

This is now an age where ANY protest that takes place, anywhere in the likely to be smothered by the US and UK political establishments desperate to take the credit for that which they are not included.

Knot-Eyed Jaguar.

When the regime sends a wish list you know it is Christmas

11.12.2011 16:35

What can be seen in Brussels is a sluggish plagiarism of CELAC built around the money printing press of the ECB. Next week it probably is just as irrelevant as last week´s concerted action of the G8 central banks is now. Russia would like to have a buffer, but even the regime there sees through the Potemkin village of the EU. This only produces increased difficulties, but not even China does buy into it. With the blowback from the aggression against Libya in full effect on all Western currencies, they would be foolish to do so. It seems there is an awful lot of wishful thinking in Western regimes when it comes to their alleged influence on the Russian winter, probably psychologically originating from their current expulsion from Pakistan.
