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The FA cup with Budweiser 3rd round fixedsure draw.

Socrates | 04.12.2011 18:03 | Other Press

a symmetrical draw, what a furore.

Middle sb rough v Shrew sb ury

Nottingham For est v Leic est er City

Manchester City v Manchester United

Dagenham & Redbridge/Walsall v Mill wall

CrawleY Town v Bristol City

D on caster v Sutt on Utd/Notts County

Bri sto l RoVers v A sto n Villa

Tot tenham v Chel tenham To wn

Sheffield We dnesday v We st Ham

Milton 'Keynes Dons v 'Queens Park Rangers

Hull CitY v IpswicH Town

C ov entry v S ou thampton

Brighton & HA v Wrexham

Fu lha m v C ha rlton At hl etic

Birming ham v Wolver ham pton Wanderers

No rw ich v B ur nley

ArsenaL v Leeds United

Derby County v CrYstal Palace

Fleetw oo d/Yeovil v Blackp oo l

S wi ndon v Wi gan

Barnsl ey v Swans ea

Chelmsford/Macclesfield Town v Bolton

New ca stle v Bl ac kburn

Eve rt on v Tamwo rt h

Sheffield United (blades) v Sali sb ury City/Grimsby

Liverp oo l v Southend/O ldham

Gillingham (Kent) v Stoke

Chel sea v Port smouth

Wat ford v Brad ford

Pet er borough Un ited v S un d er land

WBA v Cardiff City

Re ading v Ste venage

the art of football. A symmetrical draw.
