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Flyer for 8 Dec Solidarity action, Liverpool: Census refuser in court

NoCONcensus | 02.12.2011 21:56 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Repression | Liverpool

Here's a flyer to print out and share.

Sarah Ledsom is at Liverpool Magistrates Court on Thursday 8 December for refusing to complete the census on the grounds of Lockheed Martin's contract to process census data. Sarah's objections relate particularly to the use of Lockheed Martin weapons by Israel on the people of Palestine. Solidarity demo from 9.30am on the 8th.

Please come and support.

Millions of people didn't complete their census forms this time round. Show solidarity with those who are being prosecuted for taking a stand.

- e-mail: NoCONcensus[at]


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is it a claim of "right" or a protest?

03.12.2011 12:03

Dose society (aka the government) have the "right" to demand that any "free" human being complete forms and give detailed personal private information to the state. The fact that the firm contracted to the state to gather the information may be engaged in aiding and abetting genocide is irrelevant. I wander if Sarah Ledsom believes that the state has the right to make the demands of her in the first place?


quote from sarah

03.12.2011 15:03

"[C]onscience will not allow me to complete the form and so collude with the war industry.

"My conscience will not, cannot condone what is happening to the good people of Palestine, innocent men, women and children being murdered by arms provided by Lockheed Martin to Israel. The very same Lockheed Martin who were given the contract to oversee the census 2011. On Thursday 8th of December I will be pleading not guilty as I will not be part of the collusion against Palestine. I will refuse to pay any fine and am more than prepared to go to prison. This is not about me; this is about the corruption and collusion going on between the UK/US/Israel against the innocent Palestinians and I am standing against it. Will you stand with me and all census resisters?"



05.12.2011 13:20

"The fact that the firm contracted to the state to gather the information may be engaged in aiding and abetting genocide is irrelevant."

I would certainly disagree with any idea that genocide is not important. If anyone was engaging in genocide then I would at the very least want to disagree with it and not want to co-operate with any companies involved in that.

Brian B

I do not consent to anyone coming between me and my conscience..

05.12.2011 20:03

I believe that the UK/US/Israel colluded with Lockheed Martin, in as much as they bought arms from them, which were then used against innocent civilians, in not just Palestine but in all war zones throughout the world. They have all aided and abetted the systematic killing, maiming and traumatising of innocent people full stop. Therefore, I cannot and will not, be part of that aiding and abetting by completing a census form, when that information is being used by Lockheed Martin. I have that choice, and my conscience is absolutely clear that I am not guilty. Whether the so called powers that be find me guilty, is neither here nor there, as I know, I have done nothing wrong, I have harmed no one, end of. We may not all be freemen and women in the Lawful Rebellion sense, but we do have free will. We can only hope to see them been brought to justice and in time, I know they will.

Sarah Ledsom
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