Britain's sabre rattling against Iran. The threat to global security is Israel
Julie Webb-Pullman | 01.12.2011 21:37 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | South Coast | World
Britain’s sabre-rattling over the past month, threatening the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians citizens, has had consequences – consequences that any government with any real intelligence should have foreseen.
It is worth noting that Iran has not launched an attack or invasion of another country for over 200 years, has stated no intention to do so, and does not have any nuclear warheads. The hypocrisy is so blatant, and so extensive, that it is little wonder that Iranian citizens, like those elsewhere in the Middle East and throughout the world, are taking matters into their own hands.
It is worth noting that Iran has not launched an attack or invasion of another country for over 200 years, has stated no intention to do so, and does not have any nuclear warheads. The hypocrisy is so blatant, and so extensive, that it is little wonder that Iranian citizens, like those elsewhere in the Middle East and throughout the world, are taking matters into their own hands.
Britain's sabre rattling against Iran. The threat to global security is Israel
byJulie Webb-Pullman, Global Research, 1 December 2011
As Britain tastes the fruits of its foreign policy in Iran, the international community would do well consider the implications – not only for an ill-advised offensive against Iran based on hypocritical allegations of preparations for nuclear weapon capability - after all, neighbouring Israel has been permitted to develop and use such weapons against its neighbours for decades, without a peep out of them - but also for just and equitable relations between sovereign nations.
While it is clearly desirable for every government to guarantee the safety of diplomatic missions within its territory, it is equally clear that the people are no longer prepared to sit by when they perceive gross injustices against them, either committed by their own governments, or others. Think Tunisia, think Egypt.
While it is clearly desirable that less dangerous alternatives to nuclear energy are pursued, while any sovereign state is permitted the right to develop and use nuclear power, so must Iran and any other sovereign state be accorded those same rights. Think Britain, think the USA, think France.
Britain’s sabre-rattling over the past month, threatening the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians citizens, has had consequences – consequences that any government with any real intelligence should have foreseen. Foreign policy does not occur in a vacuum, but in a context, and the British government appears incapable of appreciating the Middle Eastern context, let alone respecting its peoples or governments with policies and interests independent of the UK/USA/European cartel.
It is worth noting that Iran has not launched an attack or invasion of another country for over 200 years, has stated no intention to do so, and does not have any nuclear warheads. The same cannot be said of the cheer-leader behind the latest frenzy against Iran - its already-nuclear-capable neighbour Israel, who has been using nuclear weapons in attacks against Lebanon and Gaza since 2005. The same cannot be said of the furies at the forefront of this latest frenzy - Britain, with a nuclear arsenal of at least 225 warheads, France with an arsenal of 300, and the USA with an arsenal of more than 8,000 – all of whom have participated in attacks and invasions in middle eastern countries in the past five years, and have declared their intention to continue to do so – specifically against Iran.
The hypocrisy is so blatant, and so extensive, that it is little wonder that Iranian citizens, like those elsewhere in the Middle East and throughout the world, are taking matters into their own hands.
The silence and inaction of the international community in general, and the United Nations in particular, in the face of numerous reports documenting Israel’s use of nuclear weapons against its neighbours, and recommendations in those such as the Goldstone Report, that Israel be referred to the International Criminal Court for investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity, does nothing to reassure either citizens or governments of Middle Eastern countries that they can expect any protection, or justice, from international law.
The reality is that the United Nations and the international community has failed to hold Israel accountable for things it has ALREADY DONE, but is implicitly condoning attacking Iran for things they say it MIGHT DO IN THE FUTURE.
As would any first-year law student, the peoples and governments of the region are rejecting this scenario outright.
According to an October 2010 poll carried out in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other pro-western Arab states by US pollsters Zogby and Maryland University, when asked which countries threatened their security, 88% of respondents replied Israel, 77% the US and just 10% Iran.
The greatest nuclear threat to the region is Israel, not Iran. The greatest threat to peace in the region is Israel, not Iran.
Unless and until Britain and the rest of its cartel get this through their foreign policy heads, and until the United Nations in particular and the international community in general, stand up to Israel’s gross and ongoing breaches of international law and end its impunity, it will remain in the hands of the people to do so – and they are showing unequivocally that they will no longer hesitate to raise, and to use them.
Whilst the British government chokes on the bitter pill of Iranian popular sentiment, and the Israeli government gloats over their latest attack on an Iranian nuclear facility in direct contravention of international law, their publics, and those of every other country, wonder just how long it will be before their governments adopt prinicipled and equitable foreign policies, how long it will be before the UN applies the principles of international law without fear or favour - and whether they have the patience to wait.
* Julie Webb-Pullman is a New Zealander now based in Gaza, who has been writing for independent news websites including SCOOP, Dissident Voice, Global Research and others, since 2003.
Julie Webb-Pullman
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The Guardian: Britain prepares to take part in US strikes against Iran
01.12.2011 21:45
The Guardian: Britain prepares to take part in US strikes against Iran
by Cem Ertür, San Fransisco Bay Area Indymedia, 2 November 2011
propaganda alert
The Planning and Doing of Aggressive Wars, is the Supreme International Crime
01.12.2011 23:47
These days the modern definition of the Holyland lacks justice in its treatment by the Imperialist Camp, as it translates to 'holes in the land' put there by bombs, missles, and droning which creates ever worst results possible, with blood dripping throughtout the holes in the land.
Such a poor translation bespeaks the 'war of terror' on an innocent people abiding around the middle eas,t the erstwhile Holyland of the world. The Nuremburg Trials (1945-46) chaired by the U.S. Judge Jackson brought into being on behalf of the anti-fascist fighters of the second world war the law, that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the supreme international crime on the planet earth, as it actuates all other crimes high, low, big, and small. He further says that it is the supreme internaitonal crime whether Germany does it or the U.S.A. does it.
What the British, Israeli, and U.S. Imperialists are doing by planning an Aggressive War on Iran is the 'SUPREME INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME ON THE PLANET EARTH'. There is no worst crimes possible. Remember the anti-fascist fighters set the goal of lliberation as being the ending of aggressive wars as any nations foreign policy, and the bringing forward that collective agree as democracy, and mutual benefit, as the new methods of settling disputes between nations.
These three Imperialist Nations are discarding the entire liberation side of the anti-fascist second world war, and adopting the discredited military methods of the axis powers which are 1) Might makes right, 2) Unilateralism 3) Pre-emptive strikes.
BREAKING NEWS showing heads-up news on this process, is that the U.S. Imperialist Senate has just voted (December 1--2011) to end posse comitatus (1867) which stopped the U.S. mIlitary from policing its citizens, to the law now that legalizes the U.S. Military to arrest U.S. citizens on allegations of terrorism, and place them in consentration Camps indefinitely with no charges and no due process. This law is identical to the Thirth Reich's law allowing the same after the Nazis Military coup-d'-etat in 1933 in Germany.
It effectively overthrows the U.S. Constitution and it first amendments and its vow to protect U.S. Citizens with Due Process, Public Trials, Lawyers and charges and time limitations. This is done as the American People are in the vast majority opposing the Pentagon's aggressive wars throughout the Holyland, and at home in the OWS- and other occupations as well as the majority of 70% opposition to the Govenors attempt to take away the trade union movements collective barganing rights, and collective agreements on pensions and improving living and working conditions.
The austerity movement of the conservatives is in fact happening to curb the power of the working classes, and give the crisis causing Bankers, and Stockmarketeers more power to increase the crisis over again and again. Further increasing the discredited increase in the wealth distribution between the workers the 99%, and the paper sufflers one percent elites on top making all the laws.
The need and cure is for the workers to rise and take over ownership and control of the main means of production and harmonize the laws of production while ending the war machine and its manufactury. Using the public Mint and nationalized banks to pay for projects would end taxes to all classes and solve free medicare, and free education with a full employment for socially necessary projects instead of aggressive destructive wars.
Viva socialist liberation. End pollution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution. Restore the matriarchy by electing women equally (Gender Parity throughout the trades unions) which would double democracy in the U.S.A, politically, economically, judicially, culuturally, and religiously.
Union Jack.
Global Research's predictions
02.12.2011 07:39
remind me how many times they have predicted that now ?
What ?
02.12.2011 10:32
Is it possible your hatred of Jews is someway clouding your judgement ?
Evil Zionist media manipulation unit No5
02.12.2011 17:47
gasper de la nuit
more rumours
02.12.2011 19:53
cardinal vishmore
Hopeless analysis.
04.12.2011 02:47
What there will be is sabre rattling by right wing extremists here in the UK and US along with brazen lying by Israel about the health of its relationship with the US and UK. There will also be petulant, ineffective and hopelessly weak and feeble analysis on the part of the left. The media will bitch, whine and vomit poison at anything that moves and we will curiously be exposed to all this just at the point when the US finally decides to attack Europe again in a vain and deeply deluded attempt to escape its debt burden at the hands of the rest of the world (the best way out of debt, is to destroy your creditor!).
We are already at war, Iran is a sideshow.
But then you already know that...don't you? Which is clearly why you persist with posting this juvenile rubbish.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar.
04.12.2011 02:55
Oh you have got to be joking surely!!!
Israel does not operate principled policy because it can gain far more by living in a world of brazen illegality.
The UN is a puppet and completely meaningless.
These people are not interested in what is right, they are only interested in what works in the short term. They are businessmen and are not concerned with the morality of their conduct, just the profitability of their adventures.
The Jewish Chronicle is cheap gossip mongering toilet paper, I wouldn't trust it to catch fire in a furnace in a heatwave.
Its junk.
sabre rattling in iran
04.12.2011 12:03
"What? THere is no clean water? Its the west's fault. Theres no food for your baby? Its the wests fault".
Get it? They simply blame the west when the people should be blaming Iran's government for their misfortunes.
Nuclear bombs & IBCMs sufficient to destroy the entire Midle East
05.12.2011 11:56
Israel's weapons of mass destruction
The Federation of American Scientists estimate that Israel is now concealing up to 400 WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Iran has none! Zilch! Zero! It would take the Iranians more than a quarter of a century just to build the WMD that Israel already has secretly amassed today.
The Israeli government wants to keep it that way. Iran is not the threat, it's Israel! You don't need a PhD to read public domain information. The alternative is to sit in a darkened room and absorb propaganda from the Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Everyone has a choice.
John Kidd
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