Strike: All power to the 99% (Fred) | 30.11.2011 08:55 | London
Strikes and Pickets started early this morning at their workplaces. In City of London there has been a banner drop in Liverpool street station stating "All power to the 99%", accompanied by a band and the Electricians have started picketing their work places. Dave Prentis of UNISON said earlier that it..."should be the richest people (bankers) not the poorest workers bailing out the economy" which sums up the anger felt today in schools, college, Universities and all public workers across the country. The biggest strike held in the UK for decades means that 2.5 million are on strike along with 200,000 workers in Northern Ireland and 300,000 in Scotland.
Useful info: Red Peppers' Mythbuster: The truth about the unions
Locations of pickets across London on N30 Strike site
More to come as we interview and document the London end of the strike. (Fred)
Original article on IMC London: