463 Years After The Ketts Rebellion...
Yanoni | 28.11.2011 15:16 | Climate Chaos | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | World
Still the property of humanity is being progressively enclosed. Finally the right to residential squatting is taken as well, and the Dale Farm eviction went successfully for the coppers rather than the people. Where are those fighting back and preparing armies to resist these enclosures as our ancestors did?
In the legacy of those from whose blood and bone we are born we exist. Yet the gentrz seized power, they took from us the simplicity of our first life, of our communion with the hills and woods and rivers. We were imprisoned in Babylon city like battery hens and all that was in this vein of Power and love was lost in us. Degenerating us, they fed us anti-biotics keeping us like caged birds or battery hens in cities like a prison where you can barely think for square walls plastered with advertising. Pills to stop us dying, pills to stop us thinking, electro-shock if we become too strange for their patterns, torture if we're caught taking meaningful action.
To be kept alive - at the expense of all that was creative and in bright harmony within us. They fed us on the biting cold of deathly emptiness and inner nihilism, wrenching dullness of work routines, we ate chemical soups, genetically modified corn in order that thez could make "infinite profit", a shallow illusion. This nightmare must be stopped at any cost to the state apparatus.
We cannot affirm "no Gods, no Masters", for everyone must be bound to an intelligent will, naturally enough our will gets caught up in the various tricks and conditions of the society. This is the Will to Englightenment for the good of all, the Buddhist consciousness of "Bodhicitta". This is the will to overthrow that which destroys the HUMAN within us, not in the sense this word has been taken to mean "we are all flawed", a poisonous fatalism, but WE ARE ALL PRECIOUS, born only for the purpose of finding freedom and finding what freedom is.
The duality at the bottom of the human condition is manipulated by the forces of capitalist oppression, we are sold on Freudian tenets which affirm chauvinism. Only when capitalism is fully overthrown will there be put an end to sexual violence and the problem of patriachy. Every woman has a duty to bear arms, not against those close to them but against the capitalist oppressor. Strike hard and direct at the heart of the Great Beast USA 666.
Suffering is a part of the human condition, but ignorance is not, therefore all tyranny which creates confusion has the name BABYLON. We must leave Babylon, learn to speak with one tongue like that of the Devil which licks the rich with fire. The following tyrannies each possessing different methods of oppression;
Imperial Rome
The Phalanx is the major strategy of Imperial Rome, i.e.it is not possible to attack them head on. The Romans defeated the Celts by forces massed in lines in single places. Yet these forces are vulnerable to attack from behind so long as they are not "Tortioseshelled". It is also possible to get behind these forces and attack supplies and base camps directly. The saboteur may or not be caught after the act, but it is not possible to defend against them in the first instance.
The Babylonian Tyranny
"I tried to start a revolution but nobody listened
They accused me of being crazy, but they seemed to me dead"
Looking at the vast colorful columns of the ancient city of Babylon, demolished by a Yankee bombing, we see a sort of psychedelic picture show similar to the modern televisual one. The people would happily march in line before the corrupt empress laying upon her beds of fornication, they would happily take the emperor's orders to invade the distant countries. This is because they become so fascinated that they split apart into many different levels, many different ways of thinking like office workers each working on a different floor and out of touch with those in the other companies. But each are slaves of the corporations, there is nobody outside the office. Or, more pertinently, there is no-one dancing in the fields. Dionysians are always present at the end of an empire, yet ours are not "free range"
The Great Satan USA
Tomorrow, they say, there will be a revolution, heck maybe there already was one they say. The Americans are so agitated, they all have ADHD from eating too much sugar and they see that soldiers are invading distant countries yet cannot see that there could be anything ACTUALLY, MANIFESTLY WRONG in what their governments are doing. To say they are occupied with their own small lives would not serve to describe it, and indeed would only exacerbate the situation like further acid exacerbates an ulcer. America is destructive beyond measure. Do not be unafraid of it's powers of extradition and torture. Yet, defining proves the key to setting people free from it, the spell of Hollywood can be broken simply by pronouncing the mantra;
"The USA is the Great Satan"
Just try it. They can't arrest you for it, we still have the right to free speech here. Yet, are you free enough within yourself to pronounce this, or are you lacking in AWAKENING? Wake up people, we are the forces of the new dawn, the flames which with sacrifice must light the fires which shall burn capitalism on the pyre of it's own iniquities and light the lives of future generations with peace, yet, with intelligence we can avoid the egotism of martyrdom.
The words "My Lord" are cried by not a few during moments of deep despair and confusion. Yet unfortunately the word "Lord" is another one of these Biblical insertions designed to enslave humanity, for it does not mean "Divinity" "Beyond" but rather it means...
Bread - Giver
A word developed by the English from the word for "Chief" but having taken on the distinct meaning of the Chief being one the one possessing the material resources and doling out the daily bread of his workers according to the rations of his own meagre accounting. A Father in Heaven can provide, for Jesus says "be like the lilies and the birds", worry for nothing because money will come, food and shelter will come. Yet a "Lord", a breadgiver wearing a Santa Claus costume and sitting in a high office block within a cloud of smoke from expensive cigars is not to be trusted.
He believes he owns everything.
Then - he needs to maintain the illusion.
So he gets troops of soldiers on the case.
He kills those who mess with his illusion.
Like some insane savage drunk on a brew of death holding an AK47.
In his dream he regards all people as servants of his property.
He gives them bread, a meagre subsistence to maintain his property.
It is filled with chemical poisons to keep them weak -
Enough that he can subjugate them.
That is a "Bread-Giver"
A jealous Yahweh
This God should be killed in order that revolutionary forces can spring forth.
Put to death corporate leaders in a bloody AK massacre?
Just kidding, scapegoat
No, but we must totally triumph in revolutionary war. Otherwise we will live on the dead carcass of a planet. The purpose of life is not to master nature, to create a bigger nuclear program, but to learn to live peacefully. Our major aim should be to destroy infrastructure with the least possible loss to human life. We hope to install, no de-install the programming of society which is simply a thing lost in a cupboard of deep darkness and confusion. We were not born to live in a cupboard.
For example - we can build explosives for strategic aims without taking human life. We can give them a scare without causing any deaths. Just hope there isn't another M5 incident, Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas says "Be Passerby" not "Bypass" but in some cases it seems that to be a passerby on a bypass could prove dangerous but so long as there were no-one passing by then this particular fireworks display would not have caused such a purposeless accident.
We should be like Buddhists -
Affirm Ahimsa.
The woman "Fordal C" is declared a traitor for having compromised an important mission by dessertion and various attacks on revolutionary headquarters.
In the legacy of those from whose blood and bone we are born we exist. Yet the gentrz seized power, they took from us the simplicity of our first life, of our communion with the hills and woods and rivers. We were imprisoned in Babylon city like battery hens and all that was in this vein of Power and love was lost in us. Degenerating us, they fed us anti-biotics keeping us like caged birds or battery hens in cities like a prison where you can barely think for square walls plastered with advertising. Pills to stop us dying, pills to stop us thinking, electro-shock if we become too strange for their patterns, torture if we're caught taking meaningful action.
To be kept alive - at the expense of all that was creative and in bright harmony within us. They fed us on the biting cold of deathly emptiness and inner nihilism, wrenching dullness of work routines, we ate chemical soups, genetically modified corn in order that thez could make "infinite profit", a shallow illusion. This nightmare must be stopped at any cost to the state apparatus.
We cannot affirm "no Gods, no Masters", for everyone must be bound to an intelligent will, naturally enough our will gets caught up in the various tricks and conditions of the society. This is the Will to Englightenment for the good of all, the Buddhist consciousness of "Bodhicitta". This is the will to overthrow that which destroys the HUMAN within us, not in the sense this word has been taken to mean "we are all flawed", a poisonous fatalism, but WE ARE ALL PRECIOUS, born only for the purpose of finding freedom and finding what freedom is.
The duality at the bottom of the human condition is manipulated by the forces of capitalist oppression, we are sold on Freudian tenets which affirm chauvinism. Only when capitalism is fully overthrown will there be put an end to sexual violence and the problem of patriachy. Every woman has a duty to bear arms, not against those close to them but against the capitalist oppressor. Strike hard and direct at the heart of the Great Beast USA 666.
Suffering is a part of the human condition, but ignorance is not, therefore all tyranny which creates confusion has the name BABYLON. We must leave Babylon, learn to speak with one tongue like that of the Devil which licks the rich with fire. The following tyrannies each possessing different methods of oppression;
Imperial Rome
The Phalanx is the major strategy of Imperial Rome, i.e.it is not possible to attack them head on. The Romans defeated the Celts by forces massed in lines in single places. Yet these forces are vulnerable to attack from behind so long as they are not "Tortioseshelled". It is also possible to get behind these forces and attack supplies and base camps directly. The saboteur may or not be caught after the act, but it is not possible to defend against them in the first instance.
The Babylonian Tyranny
"I tried to start a revolution but nobody listened
They accused me of being crazy, but they seemed to me dead"
Looking at the vast colorful columns of the ancient city of Babylon, demolished by a Yankee bombing, we see a sort of psychedelic picture show similar to the modern televisual one. The people would happily march in line before the corrupt empress laying upon her beds of fornication, they would happily take the emperor's orders to invade the distant countries. This is because they become so fascinated that they split apart into many different levels, many different ways of thinking like office workers each working on a different floor and out of touch with those in the other companies. But each are slaves of the corporations, there is nobody outside the office. Or, more pertinently, there is no-one dancing in the fields. Dionysians are always present at the end of an empire, yet ours are not "free range"
The Great Satan USA
Tomorrow, they say, there will be a revolution, heck maybe there already was one they say. The Americans are so agitated, they all have ADHD from eating too much sugar and they see that soldiers are invading distant countries yet cannot see that there could be anything ACTUALLY, MANIFESTLY WRONG in what their governments are doing. To say they are occupied with their own small lives would not serve to describe it, and indeed would only exacerbate the situation like further acid exacerbates an ulcer. America is destructive beyond measure. Do not be unafraid of it's powers of extradition and torture. Yet, defining proves the key to setting people free from it, the spell of Hollywood can be broken simply by pronouncing the mantra;
"The USA is the Great Satan"
Just try it. They can't arrest you for it, we still have the right to free speech here. Yet, are you free enough within yourself to pronounce this, or are you lacking in AWAKENING? Wake up people, we are the forces of the new dawn, the flames which with sacrifice must light the fires which shall burn capitalism on the pyre of it's own iniquities and light the lives of future generations with peace, yet, with intelligence we can avoid the egotism of martyrdom.
The words "My Lord" are cried by not a few during moments of deep despair and confusion. Yet unfortunately the word "Lord" is another one of these Biblical insertions designed to enslave humanity, for it does not mean "Divinity" "Beyond" but rather it means...
Bread - Giver
A word developed by the English from the word for "Chief" but having taken on the distinct meaning of the Chief being one the one possessing the material resources and doling out the daily bread of his workers according to the rations of his own meagre accounting. A Father in Heaven can provide, for Jesus says "be like the lilies and the birds", worry for nothing because money will come, food and shelter will come. Yet a "Lord", a breadgiver wearing a Santa Claus costume and sitting in a high office block within a cloud of smoke from expensive cigars is not to be trusted.
He believes he owns everything.
Then - he needs to maintain the illusion.
So he gets troops of soldiers on the case.
He kills those who mess with his illusion.
Like some insane savage drunk on a brew of death holding an AK47.
In his dream he regards all people as servants of his property.
He gives them bread, a meagre subsistence to maintain his property.
It is filled with chemical poisons to keep them weak -
Enough that he can subjugate them.
That is a "Bread-Giver"
A jealous Yahweh
This God should be killed in order that revolutionary forces can spring forth.
Put to death corporate leaders in a bloody AK massacre?
Just kidding, scapegoat
No, but we must totally triumph in revolutionary war. Otherwise we will live on the dead carcass of a planet. The purpose of life is not to master nature, to create a bigger nuclear program, but to learn to live peacefully. Our major aim should be to destroy infrastructure with the least possible loss to human life. We hope to install, no de-install the programming of society which is simply a thing lost in a cupboard of deep darkness and confusion. We were not born to live in a cupboard.
For example - we can build explosives for strategic aims without taking human life. We can give them a scare without causing any deaths. Just hope there isn't another M5 incident, Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas says "Be Passerby" not "Bypass" but in some cases it seems that to be a passerby on a bypass could prove dangerous but so long as there were no-one passing by then this particular fireworks display would not have caused such a purposeless accident.
We should be like Buddhists -
Affirm Ahimsa.
The woman "Fordal C" is declared a traitor for having compromised an important mission by dessertion and various attacks on revolutionary headquarters.