N30 STRIKE planning and networking meetings in London
gefry | 24.11.2011 14:13
WHERE?: 'Bank of Ideas' / 'Occupy London' Social Centre, Sun St., EC2. Liverpool St. tube. (Probably 2nd floor but ask at reception.)
WHEN?: Friday Nov. 25, 7pm
Sunday Nov. 27, from 12pm all afternoon & Tuesday Nov. 29, all day.
WHEN?: Friday Nov. 25, 7pm
Sunday Nov. 27, from 12pm all afternoon & Tuesday Nov. 29, all day.
November 30 will see the biggest strike for decades.
The success of the Oakland occupiers when they called for the city to be shut down on November 2 just shows how powerful we can be when the direct action movement combines with striking workers. As paralysed politicians and incompetent bankers stumble from crisis to crisis, now is the time to act.
Come to this meeting to organise, network and publicise a wide range of actions .
The success of the Oakland occupiers when they called for the city to be shut down on November 2 just shows how powerful we can be when the direct action movement combines with striking workers. As paralysed politicians and incompetent bankers stumble from crisis to crisis, now is the time to act.
Come to this meeting to organise, network and publicise a wide range of actions .

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hey Special Branch, Mi5, NECTU etc...
24.11.2011 16:19
if you need my services, you know where to find me!
joe blogs
24.11.2011 17:07
24.11.2011 18:01
although its good those occupy nutters areworking with activists, and they have a massive building in the city, advertising an event like the 30th November's 'stop the city' thing with no real infomation of what to expect will do nothing, but work into the hands of the police etc, as they can justify to expect the maxium trouble, despite the fact I'd doubt if any real crowds shows up anyway, so you can expect their little UBS building to get the same sort of early morning treatment that the G20 convergence got, and maybe a large police presence to keep loiterers out of the city.
joe blogs
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