March “Planet Under Pressure” conference at London Excel
Mike Dobson | 24.11.2011 12:28 | Climate Chaos
Pre Durban climate experts' "Planet Under Pressure 2012" conference [26-29th March] will take place at the new London International Convention Centre (ICC) at Excel
The venue may be familiar as that of the annual Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) exhibition and associated protest.

The venue may be familiar as that of the annual Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) exhibition and associated protest.
The international Planet Under Pressure conference will be the largest gathering of global change and sustainability scientists prior to the Rio+20 Earth Summit next June in Rio de Janeiro. The 3,000 global experts expected at the London conference will provide a "State of the Planet" assessment, discuss concepts for planetary stewardship and societal and economic transformation, and prescribe a recommended route to global sustainability.
Sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the conference is being organized by a consortium of four leading global research programmes: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, DIVERSITAS-the international programme on biodiversity science, International Human Dimensions Programme on global environmental change, the World Climate Research Programme -- collectively known as the Earth System Science Partnership.
Conference structure:
Monday March 26: State of the Planet: latest knowledge about the pressures on the planet
Tuesday March 27: Options and opportunities: exchanging knowledge about ways of reducing the pressures on the planet, promoting transformative changes for a sustainable future and adapting to changes in the global system
Wednesday March 29: Challenges to progress: clarifying what is preventing or slowing humanity from implementing potential solutions
Thursday March 30: Ways ahead: a vision for 2050 and beyond, and exploring new partnerships and pathways towards global sustainability
Details at
Happy camping!
Sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the conference is being organized by a consortium of four leading global research programmes: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, DIVERSITAS-the international programme on biodiversity science, International Human Dimensions Programme on global environmental change, the World Climate Research Programme -- collectively known as the Earth System Science Partnership.
Conference structure:
Monday March 26: State of the Planet: latest knowledge about the pressures on the planet
Tuesday March 27: Options and opportunities: exchanging knowledge about ways of reducing the pressures on the planet, promoting transformative changes for a sustainable future and adapting to changes in the global system
Wednesday March 29: Challenges to progress: clarifying what is preventing or slowing humanity from implementing potential solutions
Thursday March 30: Ways ahead: a vision for 2050 and beyond, and exploring new partnerships and pathways towards global sustainability
Details at

Happy camping!
Mike Dobson