Irish Mayor stands up and says 'no more'
off the cuff | 22.11.2011 23:06
Once again the race card is being played out on the streets of Ireland but Irish people are fighting back by saying 'enough is enough'. Once again the good old reliable Nigerian Africans are using the race card in order to secure assistance through intimidation.
The card wins again. I know Irish people can be rude but the African shout and intimidating rant are combined with the old race card when things are not going their way. The mayor raised something that is eating away at Irish society and is changing Irish society and culture not for the better but for the Africans. Political parties are very quick to condemn what very many Irish people see as being the truth. Sinn Fein and Labour party used the occasion to score cheap political points when in actual fact the majority of people see Africans as manipulating a society and culture they want to change to their liking. Ask Africans about law and order in their country and they tell you stories about how they deal with problems The fact of the matter is that we have a problem in Ireland with immigrants who want to live in Ireland, take whatever they can get, live their lives as if they were living in their native country and then expect the Irish people to conform to their traditions and cultures without question. Take Bettystown in County Meath for example, it is getting to a point where if you are white you are being asked why you are entering the town. The guards, local shop owners and politicians in the pub after a few drinks will tell you what the Mayor said publicly. In Dublin on two occasions I was confronted by the owners of two African shops and told in no uncertain manner that there was nothing in the shop I would want to buy. If we accuse people of being racist then why has racism only come to the forefront of attention during the days of the Celtic Tiger? If we are racist then why are we not being accused of being racist to the Chinese, Jews and other people? Why Nigerians and why Africans in general? The answer is a culture that is not compatible with Irish culture. Steal a loaf of bread, cut off the hand, have as many wives as possible. Islam is not compatible with western society, yet politicians try to convince us to the contrary about something they themselves know is correct. The Mayor raised an issue that is on the lips of very many people in this country but is being suppressed by the political establishment because it is not political correct to tell the truth. Scrap Patrick's Day, scrap Easter and while we are at it why not scrap the Easter rising celebrations because these Africans want to know nothing about Irish history, culture and traditions. Go into any social welfare office, health board office or any government office and just listen to what the employees have to take from these people. Now you are going to tell me Irish people do the same but have you ever heard an Irish person throw the race card when things are not going their way?
off the cuff
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