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Launch of N30 strike website

N30Strike | 22.11.2011 12:50 | Workers' Movements

The launch of a new N30 strike website specifically aimed at keeping anarchists informed and updated about activities in the run up and on the day of the strike itself. Promoting active involvement by anarchists and radical groups in organised and effective action in support of striking public sector workers.

The idea is to encourage and chart anarchists' involvement in the public sector stake on N30, as well as advertising the various pickets, actions, demonstrations, protests, meetings etc in support of the strike.

We think it is important anarchists should be active and visibly organised on N30 and hope this site goes in some way to contribute to that process.

If people want to send in all the things they are involved in, and anarchist groups send in their activities on for the day (and the run up to the day) we will gladly put it up on the site. Hopefully we can get as much information out as possible.

Please forward to your group/interested parties/those involved in the strike.

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Public sector pensions are massive compared to private sector pensions!

22.11.2011 14:25

Why support this strike when public sector pensions are so big compared to private sector pensions? Those pensions will still be far bigger than the vast majority of private sector pensions so why don't the public sector unions take the offer from the government?

I would take the government's generous offer.

Re: Public sector pensions are massive compared to private sector pensions!

22.11.2011 18:03

The above comment shows an astonishing level of ignorance. Firstly, the governments offer is risible. Secondly, if private sector pensions are crap then surely it would make sense for workers to take positive action to improve them? All workers need to support each other in our quest to defend and improve our pay and conditions.


Get real!

22.11.2011 19:48

I wish you strikers and protesters would get real! You live in a country with one of the highest standards of living in the world but you are still not satisfied. Most of the world's population lives in extreme poverty and only get a fraction of the amount you get in wages and pensions. Wages and pensions are also far more than most workers in this country got just a few decades ago. Go back just 30 years and most people in Britain could only dream of things like owning computers and going on foreign holidays. People today don't know how lucky they are.



22.11.2011 21:43

Judging by the above comments the trolls are out in force responding very quickly to anything that supports strike action.

Quick to try to divide and conquer....... "You have never had it so good" ..."You are marginally better off than the 3rd world slaves', be grateful"

Looks like there is real fear among the 1% that the 99% globally are now seriously pissed off, and becoming more united and organised by the day.



22.11.2011 23:34

One thing about being "visibly" organised is that this makes Anarchists a hell of a lot easier to arrest. Anarchism isn't about wearing a uniform......


Message to Anarchists

26.11.2011 15:32

Make sure your actually do SUPPORT the strikers, don't just kick off for no apparent reason and end-up undermining them
