Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming the global food syste (War On Want) | 17.11.2011 14:55 | London
War on Want's new report "Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming the global food system". The report outlines the pitfalls of the current corporate-led food system which has created a global food crisis affecting millions across the planet. More importantly it presents the framework of food sovereignty as an alternative solution which has been endorsed by hundred of thousands of people. It also presents case studies showing how farmers are already implanting the food sovereignty principles.
War on Want has been engaged with the fights against global hunger throughout its 60 years of existence. Our work has focused on challenging the roots causes of the crisis and supporting social movements in the Global South. We are also committed to build the food sovereignty movement in Europe.
War on Want and its partners believes that food sovereignty offers a political solution to a political crisis. We hope this report will inspire you to take action to reclaim our food system. (War On Want)
Original article on IMC London: