Another message to the Metropolitan Police
Axel Foley | 16.11.2011 22:51 | Policing | Public sector cuts | Repression
The following post appeared on the popular Police Inspector Blog, whining about how poor little coppers were lied to by their employers and about how their pensions are going to be butchered by the Coalition government. The police "cannot strike in protest about serious changes to their pay, pensions & conditions, unlike many public sector workers whose unions are planning forthcoming strikes". So, rather than asking cops to express ANY solidarity with other sections of society (and despite conceding that "debate via democratic means and peaceful protest" are actions "neither of which seem to carry much weight or have much effect on the government’s current stance") the Police Inspector Blog asks people to sign a petition requesting a Parliamentary debate about police officers' pension rights. Seriously, have these people never heard of the word "Solidarity"?
The self-styled "skipper" who wrote this bollocks goes on to pretend that cops "do not claim to be superior to any other person", before describing the early release of an anti-cuts protestor (whose crimes included assaulting absolutely no-one) as being part of the "Great Criminal Justice Swindle". This genius might have noticed that, 2 years after killing Ian Tomlinson, TSG thug Simon Harwood has yet to be jailed at all, let alone released early, while the Inspector Gadget blog is strewn with articles which abuse and insult people for protesting against the very austerity measures this blog now whines about. No shit Sherlock, if you think the cops like Simon Harwood and Delroy Smellie should be allowed to baton, punch and kidnap protestors without fear of prosecution, then you DO think coppers are "superior to any other person".
Your jobs ARE next, and if you want public sympathy, on the Nov 30 pensions protests, behave like decent people, not like thugs. Don't threaten use of plastic bullets to frighten people away from legitimate protests, don't use plain clothes snatch-squads and agent-provocateurs, don't use FIT teams to spy on ordinary members of the public, don't use bait vans, don't put up steel barricades to prevent protest groups from linking-up with each other, don't use kettling, and do leave your punching-gloves, telescopic truncheons, steel-cored batons, tasers, CS gas and GUNS at the station IF you have the courage to approach other members of the public as genuine equals.
And while the cogs are grinding over that complex calculation, the rest of us are listening to sweet music from the world's tiniest violin...
The self-styled "skipper" who wrote this bollocks goes on to pretend that cops "do not claim to be superior to any other person", before describing the early release of an anti-cuts protestor (whose crimes included assaulting absolutely no-one) as being part of the "Great Criminal Justice Swindle". This genius might have noticed that, 2 years after killing Ian Tomlinson, TSG thug Simon Harwood has yet to be jailed at all, let alone released early, while the Inspector Gadget blog is strewn with articles which abuse and insult people for protesting against the very austerity measures this blog now whines about. No shit Sherlock, if you think the cops like Simon Harwood and Delroy Smellie should be allowed to baton, punch and kidnap protestors without fear of prosecution, then you DO think coppers are "superior to any other person".
Your jobs ARE next, and if you want public sympathy, on the Nov 30 pensions protests, behave like decent people, not like thugs. Don't threaten use of plastic bullets to frighten people away from legitimate protests, don't use plain clothes snatch-squads and agent-provocateurs, don't use FIT teams to spy on ordinary members of the public, don't use bait vans, don't put up steel barricades to prevent protest groups from linking-up with each other, don't use kettling, and do leave your punching-gloves, telescopic truncheons, steel-cored batons, tasers, CS gas and GUNS at the station IF you have the courage to approach other members of the public as genuine equals.
And while the cogs are grinding over that complex calculation, the rest of us are listening to sweet music from the world's tiniest violin...
Axel Foley
Hide the following 13 comments
Inspector Gadget
16.11.2011 23:36
Your pensions..............................
rubber bullets
17.11.2011 00:48
minor point
say no in the matter
17.11.2011 06:27
free to walk away
17.11.2011 07:26
oh, be still.... my poor bleeding heart!
17.11.2011 10:59
As a public sector worker I will be working to 65 (like most of us will be) so the cops don’t get to retire early and then get a fat pension and a cushy security job afterward - My heart fucking bleeds! - And at one point I may have gave a shit (which would be a first for me giving a shit about the police) about your pensions as I think the attacks on all public sector workers are wrong but your actions over the last year have disgusted me even more than I was disgusted by the police before (which was pretty fuckin high).
They really should have chose sides earlier and not held out the vain hope that the CONDEMS would hand them out a nice pay rise to keep them onside. Did they really expect their corporate/political paymasters would give a fuck about them? Did they really think that being good little piggies and beating up / criminalising children would keep their masters happy? DOH! I think they should be happy that they weren’t sold to some private security company....
You ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated little piggy??
No police officer has to carry out an order they don’t agree with (they are allowed to have some morals after all) shame most of them don’t bother with them, and I’m sure some of them joined the police farce to actually make a difference in society – which is very noble – but when they are asked to batter kids, or use chemical weapons or shoot them with plastic bullets surely that is not helping make society a better place? Surely then they might think about another job, surely the reason they joined the police farce is being corrupted by their corporate/political paymasters, so why not leave? Is it because they are really only in it for the pensions and early retirement? I think so…
…Still, don’t worry little piggy's, your corporate/political paymasters have a vision for our world, it for sale and they have reintroduced slavery so there will be loads of jobs down Tesco soon enough for you all, staking shelves for your dole money…
…welcome to 21st Century Britain(plc)
p.s - the pig who killed Thomlinson is that the same pig in the first picture throttling a child? they look similar and one wonders if they are allowed to keep murderers on the street?
far see kill
Laugh or cry
17.11.2011 19:38
Perhaps the police thought that things are like they were in the days of the Mad Woman of Finchley, fat pay rises for the police to beat up anyone opposed to the 1%. For those without a conscience happy days.
Wake up dears, things have changed. This is the era of privatisation. Scum like Blackwater going round and murdering people at will. Cosy public sector police jobs are being phased out. Have you not noticed? In the future you will be sold to the likes of G4S. Don't like it? Tough. Pensions? Don't make me laugh.
The police faced a choice and decided to be part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. They have sided with the 1%, they will find themselves disposed of when it is convenient. Their choice, but the loss affects all of us.
A N Other
Police can't strike?
17.11.2011 20:55
young gun
Replies to comments
17.11.2011 22:34
>> "How could they possibly ever be "decent people"? They they are cops" >> This post is a message to the Metropolitan Police, not a message to Anarchists like the person who responded with this comment, and as such the idea was to discourage cops from behaving like scum - that might well NOT work, but the idea is to at least give it a try. Mark Kennedy for instance may still be scum, but at least he left the police and ratted on the cops, doing huge damage to the police's reputation, and, whatever you say about him, him leaving the police was better than him STAYING in the activist movement. The more cops that can be persuaded to do likewise the better, so it's worth a try, and even if it fails, at the very least we can have a laugh at their expense.
>> "Why not? Who is going to arrest them?" - Good point. OF COURSE THE POLICE CAN STRIKE, since they choose not to prosecute the grand larceny of thieving bankers and since they break the law any time the fucking feel like, whether it's "legal" or not is irrelevant. The way the police tried to make their point to the Coalition govt was instead by creating crises that make them look "essential" to the govt - letting students trash Tory Party HQ (not like I'm saying they shouldn't have mind you), using the bait van trick, and deliberately starting the riots by going to the place riots kicked-off worse in the 1980s (Broadwater Farm) and shooting the nearest petty crim (for the sake of a plausible excuse, so-to-speak) they could find, treating the victim's family and their supporters with total contempt, and then holding back for a few days to make sure the riots really spread
You care for us, we'll care for you
17.11.2011 23:30
Well known killers
17.11.2011 23:44
You care for us, we'll care for you
17.11.2011 23:47
Lothian police went on £2,000 jolly.. to discuss ways of cutting costs!
18.11.2011 10:15
Shin Pads
Gadget whinge
18.11.2011 10:18
Back to the violin practice folks!