Tribute to the Fighting Spirit of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi
December 12th Movement International Secretariat | 03.11.2011 15:23
Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM
The December 12th Movement International Secretariat will honor the legacy of Libyan Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Sistas’ Place Coffee House, 456 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn (corner of Jefferson Ave).
The December 12th Movement International Secretariat will honor the legacy of Libyan Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Sistas’ Place Coffee House, 456 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn (corner of Jefferson Ave).
The tribute will trace the historic revolutionary struggle of the people of Libya against monarch King Idris and western colonialism. Analyze the domestic and international accomplishments of the Libyan Jamahiriya including the support of African liberation struggles on the continent and throughout the Diaspora; and the building of the African Union.
US and Nato imperialist war crimes will be examined and Pan African resistance must be at the top of our agenda.
December 12th Movement
International Secretariat
456 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
PH 718-398-1766
December 12th Movement International Secretariat
Hide the following 8 comments
Good but still no proof
03.11.2011 15:30
No actual proof of his death has been provided and there is a growing movement of people beginning to see how the media is routinely lying to them.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
November fools?
03.11.2011 15:44
Point 1 (to the conspiracy nuts) - Gaddaffi was not killed by lizards dressed as Israelis dressed as Libyans (the same lizards dressed as israelis dressed as arabs that didn't remote control a large toy jet into those buildings).
Point 2 (to the members of nutty fringe lefty sects - especially those that have a 'secretariat') - Gadaffi was a nutcase and an authoritarian butcher. Just because the West happens to hate him, it doesn't make him a hero. Just because he once called himself a socialist, it doesn't make him one. Let's not forget, this was the bloke who happily allowed the CIA/MI5 to torture suspected terrorists in his country in exchange for info on Libyan dissidents living abroad.
case closed. he's dead. One less ruling class, authoritarian bastard in the world.
Town End Boy
lol, classic
03.11.2011 15:54
Zionist Trolls
03.11.2011 16:02
December 12th Movement International Secretariat
Proof ?
03.11.2011 16:04
Do you feel comfortable just believing what the BBC, CNN, FOX and the rest tell you ?
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
Gaddaffi was not killed by lizards dressed as Israelis dressed as Libyans
03.11.2011 16:08
Libya will be free
03.11.2011 16:12
Watching you now
03.11.2011 16:31
Indeed I was just enjoying a kosher Gefilte fish bagel when the automatic alarm went off. I immediately prepared a rebuttle and informed Tel Aviv. Rest assured, we here in the Mossad bunker (back of Emmanuel Ben-Gurion's tailors, knock three times and ask for Sarah ) are ever vigilant.
Mossad operative no 932