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Report on Solidarity with Julian Assange at High Court Extraditon Appeal Ruling

Solidarity | 03.11.2011 10:08 | Terror War

Members of Catholic Worker communities, Anonymous, Veterans for Peace, anti-war, freedom of information and Occupy London activists gathered outside the High Court/ London in solidarity with Julian Assange on Wed. Nov 2nd.

Julian arrived just before 9 am conforned by a huge international media pack. The legal proceedings ended by 10 a.m. with the High Court turning down the appeal against extradition to Sweden. Julian and his defence team are now considering their options. On exiting the court, Julian suggested accessing the following website for information about the case.

Democray Now interviewed Helena Kennedy, an attorney on Assange’s legal team. They also air a statement made by Julian Assange in London.

Nov 1, 2011
The day before the cpurt apperamce Democracy Now spoke with Julian Assange’s Attorney Gareth Peirce Spoke about Imminent British Court Decision on Sweden’s Request to Extradite Assange

Previous posting: YOUTUBE (12 mins 22 secs) Gareth Peirce Speaks on
Bradley Manning: "Dispatches from the Dark Side" - connecting Manning
to US Prison system's systematic human rights violations

Also see: London Review of Books May 2010 "America’s Non-Compliance"
Gareth Peirce presents the case against extradition

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Anarchy rules OK Chomsky tells Australia

04.11.2011 11:55

The American commentator, philosopher and activist was being interviewed in front of a packed theatre at the Sydney Opera House today when he was asked his thoughts on Prime Minister Julia Gillard's comments that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's motivations were "sort of anarchic".

Professor Chomsky said if anarchy meant questioning authority and demanding the truth, then everyone should be anarchic.

"In that sense I think everyone should be an anarchist," he said, in response to heavy applause from the audience.

Anarchism should not be viewed in a negative light, Prof Chomsky said.

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from Chomky

i wonder

05.11.2011 11:25

did assange use this opportunity in front of the media to speak up about mr manning? i do hope so. he so often wastes these opportunities...

i remain saddened by this and by the hero worship of him i witness amongst fellow activists. this man has admitted penetrating a sleeping woman without a condom in the full knowledge that this was against her explicit wishes (for condom use) and that a sleeping woman cannot consent.

he may argue about whether this constitutes rape, but for me that is irrelevant. what the law says about rape is not relevant to me regarding this matter, i take a feminist analysis and i call it rape.

usually rapes are not dealt with well by the legal system. the pursuit of assange probably is politically motivated. nonetheless he did rape this woman and has admitted so, albeit whilst refusing to call it rape and claiming to have broken no law.

further his statements about the women involved (there are other victims/survivors too of course), about feminism altogether, etc reveal some seriously fucked up attitudes.

he is not wikileaks. wikileaks consists of a whole lot of people, some of whom are also founders, all of whom have worked hard, none of whom have been called out for rape. one does not have to support assange to support wikileaks.

don't be a rape apologist.

bradley supporter