15th Oct. impressions on how to improve democracy
rdnleeds@gmail.com (Real Democracy Now Leeds) | 02.11.2011 16:55
Compilation of the answers and proposals about the current democratic and financial system provided by the participants to the Leeds Street Assembly for Global Change on the 15th of October.
On the 15th of October, during the Leeds Street Assembly, the participants were asked the following questions about the current democratic system. These are their answers:
What democracy is and how it could be improved:
Democracy should give a people the ability to change government when necessary.
Equal rights and justice for everyone.
Equal power of votes is what democracy means to me. I'd like to see PR with 5% barrier. I'd like to see many more parties and independent candidates. And enabling of local communities to change things for themselves.
People's government for the people and with the people.
Democracy is to have members of the public elected by society (open electoral lists voted by the members of a party or even by society in general) to represent and fight for the interests of their voters, so that they are integrated in the policies implemented to choose the direction and realities of the country. After that, democracy is when these representatives (politicians) are honest, committed and loyal to the action plan they proposed before running for the elections.
Democracy should be the political structure which would allow ALL citizens to decide about the issues that interest everyone.
Democracy for me is the system that allows a society to choose what laws it has and change them when their needs change. At the moment we don't have true representation in our governments. It is still a class system.
Democracy is an illusion. We need politics that isn't in the pockets of the richest few.
Democracy is a decision making process which takes into account the opinions of everyone.
How it could be improved in the UK:
Proper public control of the government and banks. No privatisation.
Get rid of the corporations running the planet, give power back to the people.
I think pure democracy leads to quite right wing policy because progressive voices are always in the minority.
Real public education and health system. Common interest to be promoted.
National budgets being voted by the public. Any drastic decisions affecting the country (Irak war i.e.) being decided by a referendum (online?). Having charities and independent organizations to assess major welfare system changes (particularly referring to NHS cuts and education).
Through a radical social change.
Give the media barons less power, make it less about pleasing Rupert Murdoch, etc. and more about actual democracy.
I'm not sure it's the best option.
Would you like your opinion to be considered by decision-makers more directly in the event of:
- a war:
Yes, because war is not necessary. / Yes, no war. / No, I want this based on expert opinion and happen fast. / Yes, through a referendum. / Yes. / Of course. / Yes. / War is pointless, little more than government-sanctioned murder.
- an economic reform:
Yes, we should not have to suffer the results of something we have had no control over. / Yes, through a referendum. / Yes. / Of course. / Yes. / [Yes.]
- a social reform:
Yes. / Yes, through a referendum. / Yes. / Of course. / Yes. / [Yes.]
- others:
I don't think direct democracy will work while we have a press that is 80% right wing and makes of disabled people out to be criminals.
Education reform, immigration policy.
Maybe we should educate kids into a more critical, debating mentality where they find solutions to problems collaboratively rather than having them fed to them.
Before any decision made.
More information!
We must protect the NHS.
Main concerns about the future of society. Is there a current political system capable of delivering a solution? If not, what are the alternatives?
The fact that the people that have caused most of the current troubles are getting more and more control. They should not have any.
There is no future unless we get rid of the banks or whoever are running the system. [The alternative] is a system based on love, peace and respect.
I think clearer citizenship focus in schools could create a population that can have the right debate. A free rather than corporately restricted Internet allows views to be heard. A citizenry that values the process of politics as our grandparents and great grandparents did will solve any problem. Our biggest weakness is that so many people don't think they have a role.
Not really [there isn't a current political system capable of delivering a solution], because we are ruled by the elite and not by the people. There should not be a "rule" by a common agreement. [As an alternative:] Participative democracy, from a local to a national and even international level.
Loss of welfare state. Weaker people having a really hard time and being unprotected by the State and ignored by their peers. [As an alternative:] Assemblies of neighbours making proposals to parliament and constituencies that will be seriously taken into account.
[Alternative system:] Council Communism.
Markets dictate the decisions our politicians take. They do so only considering the profit in it, but their profit is not the society's profit it's their own. So our needs have no funds. I believe in democracy but we don't have that. We don't vote who controls IMF and banks and corporations and that should change.
Environment is a major concern. Ability to provide essentials is a big concern. Resource-based Economy is only viable option I have seen.
Further proposals to reform democracy and the financial system:
What would you do to improve our democracy?
The capitalist system is broken - the top down trickle theory doesn't work. Any attempts at QE have made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Any further attempts should be bottom up! Tax the rich, not the poor. Get rid of media control. Banks should not control governments. A new "people's party" needs to evolve. Labour let us down. Justice need to be for all - corrupt rich bankers jailed for their action.
Resource-based economy as proposed by Jacque Fresco.
The left needs to put smaller differences aside for the sake of creating a movement capable of having its voice heard. Monetary donations to politicians/political parties should be made illegal.
What would you do to improve banks and the financial system?
Need to close down all off-shores around the world - should be a fundamental goal of the movement. Finish banking secrecy as a mean to end corruption and tax dodging. Increase tax rates for banks and other financial institutions. Central banks main preoccupation should be employment and not inflation and should be accountable to democratic institutions. Cap CEO's wages and bonuses. Tobin Tax on Financial Transactions. Dismantle IMF and World Bank. Public audit to all debts to find out who owes what to who.
The minimum wages should be higher and there should be a limit on what anyone could earn: a maximum wage which does not allow anyone to be a millionaire. Richer people should pay higher tax. No commissions or bonuses for bankers.
Expose the truth about how the corporations and banks which have the money are supporting wars, environmental destruction and oppression. SPREAD THE WORD. Expose the massive world propaganda control in the media. Give up television.
Strictly separate any personal banking from investment banking; no bailouts. Force banks to operate sustainably in a co-operative manner. Enforce a high transaction fee for high risk dealings. Stop the creation of fictitious money and transactions around that which create more and more debt. Tax the rich more consistently.
Get rid of the evil b**ds who are controlling it. Have a world forum based in peace, love and respect
rdnleeds@gmail.com (Real Democracy Now Leeds)
Original article on IMC Northern England: