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First Meeting of the Traveller Solidarity Network

Traveller Solidarity Network | 29.10.2011 01:19 | Dale Farm | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles

This is to announce the first public meeting of the Traveller Solidarity Network which will attempt to formalise some of what the network might do and how it will be organised.

The ongoing Dale Farm eviction has been a blow to all of us trying to support and defend travelling communities; but the continuation of this etnic cleansing must only determine us more strongly to a powerful Traveller Solidarity Network. As such, activists and residents from Dale Farm, as well as many other advocates of Travellers rights, and members of travelling communities are coming together on November 5th to formulate ideas and structures for the movement from here.

All are invited to this meeting of in depth discussion which begins at 11am at Cityside House, 40 Adler St, London E1 1EE. Please disseminate this meeting widely and rsvp to savedalefarm [at] to attend.

Beyond this meeting, local groups are begining to form, and it is encouraged strongly that people start organising meetings of their own up and down the country.

Traveller Solidarity Network


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Take hart

29.10.2011 10:25

The eviction may seem as a blow to those directly involved. But as an outsider, simply involved in trying to expose the duplicity of the state, it couldn't have been more successful.

As middle england is seeing greenbelt land being swallowed up by big corporate projects, sometimes with the sweetener of "social housing" (read "commercial housing"), Those who try to meet their own housing needs, independently and economically, are attacked by the state corporation. This struggle is about more than an oppressed minority, it's about how middle england is being taxed by the banks through mortgages, as we were once taxed by landlords. Some people are now starting to see how the beast feeds.

Well done and solidarity to you all. xx


What !!!!!

30.10.2011 16:06

So in your words,

"The eviction may seem as a blow to those involved.....but it couldn't have been more successful. "

Utterly delusional, Dale Farm was a complete defeat for us and trying to pretend it wasn't helps no one. The traveller community deserved better from us.


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Complete defeat?

30.10.2011 19:50

Whether Dale farm was a complete defeat, only time will tell. At the moment there is a rump of travellers there in a not very happy state. Activists did well, but apart from a few notable exceptions, the travellers did f**k all to help with the resistance; at times even undermining the work. I certainly dont think the travelling community was let down. They did very well out of their supporters. Better than most of them deserved.


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