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Calls Grow For Global General Strike Following Oakland Declaration

Occupy Earth | 27.10.2011 08:18 | Occupy Everywhere | Social Struggles | World

10:00 pm Pacific Time, just as the mandate to leave the public spaces they occupied, the General Assembly in Oakland California voted overwhelmingly to call a General Strike for next Wednesday, November 2nd.
Since that declaration twitter and social media have been abuzz with calls for a US General strike, and also a GLOBAL GENERAL STRIKE ON NOVEMBER 2nd!!

Are we seeing history in the making?

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Occupy Earth


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UK General Strike...

27.10.2011 10:39

....Is being balloted for Nov 30th 2011 from the main unions, so most folk in the UK will be

out on the streets then (we hope).

Good luck on the 2nd and if you are all free on the 30th??? :D

No pasaran!

i see far enough

Don't wait for the union bureaucrats

27.10.2011 10:54

Wildcat it!

Big Bill Haywood

No more tax havens

27.10.2011 12:40

Thats what I'm gonna strike for!

No more secret banking