Please help save Occupy London from being destroyed from within
Please help save Occupy London from being destroyed from within | 22.10.2011 21:45 | Occupy Everywhere | World
Its important for us all to attract middle England as historically revolutions are only won by attracting the middle classes. If its not correctly reflecting the actual views of the 99% who are still actually quite angry at the banks, then its doomed....This thing has now become over run by idiots, lost in a sea of different people wanting different things from the movement and its destroying it....The truth is no one in their right mind is going to support something that seems on the Occupy London facebook page to predominantly be these Internet drunk lunatics who have spent too much time watching unresearched youtube conspiracy videos....Its a real pity as the organisers and the Campers have worked so hard on this and frozen their asses off out their in the cold and for what so some dick head can sit in the warmth and post crap rubbishing thier cause.. the few nutters always ruin it for the rest of us in the most crucial moments it seems...Occupy London still has a chance....It just needs people to say something to the people ruining it that we have to focus on the simple things first and stop posting things and making protest signs about David Ike and Alex Jones and bloody Zeitgeist talking about taking the blue pill or the illuminate or whatever and just focus on the heavily researched and confirmed basics you guys started with, which was showing our universal anger at bank bailouts and the fact they have so much power over our politicians, the fact corporations own democracy right now and cause all the ills in the world...start the debate how we can modernise the system, maybe the Swedish system is better a more Socialist system or whatever...this has been lost amongst all this reference to home made Youtube videos from some of the occupy pains me to say but its so scaring people off right now - READ THE LINK I FOUND IT JUST ABOUT SUMS IT UP
Please help save Occupy London from being destroyed from within
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22.10.2011 23:46
I see how things are difficult for you but in highlighting this issue, you need yourself to avoid divisive language like calling people idiots and loonies. Thats the kind of tactic that will mark you as a dividing influence.
Now, the Facebookers and the placards.
There isn't a lot you can do with this apart from reminding people that this campaign is about structural problems to do with the economic model as we use it. Placards need to be about the issue itself, not about marginal causes that have been attached to this issue. Unfortunately, in any given protest, those placards are likely to appear. I've seen them on anti-war protests which means somebody that approaches your movement is immediately going to be swamped with messages about lizards, shape-shifters and goodness knows what else. Very nice I'm sure, but it doesn't recognise the things that has driven this person toward your cause. Not only that but it allows cynics to dismiss your organisation as idiosyncratic and risible, all of which are quietly talked about 'amongst freinds', further isolating you.
Maybe you could setup a system in which the more 'adventurous' of your members can go out into the city to hold their own protests at particular points during the day, so that those who are actually concerned with the real issues can get on with the job of recruiting supporters in a logical and organised manner.
You might also talk to those people and offer up a narrative which is just simply more compelling than what they have seen on the internet. I've seen a lot of it myself and have always been stunned at just how complex the methods are in recruiting people to their causes. David Icke, for instance, uses a method in which he uses metaphor and allegory in copious quantities and presents it in a manner that is quite addictive. Maybe those who believe in this might be steered toward understanding Mr Icke's methods, rather than simply taking everything at face value. This is tricky of course, but a gentle reminder that your action has an end point might be a little more 'persuasive' in allowing those people to simply float pointlessly without actually committing to something tangible.
What I'm trying to say is that these are causes and beliefs that need to be co-opted toward your cause in a mannner that those adherents to these ideas, can find rewarding to learn. Confrontation is the method of state and it is the state that has brought many of these injustices about. Unity is what this campaign is about and it is unity that should naturally exist in your campaign.
If you represent the 99%, then your narrative should be in a language that the 99% can understand. Marginal groups need to be taught that language in a way that helps the cause, and should be done in such a manner that those skills learned, will be life skills they can use to further their own causes in the future at a later point in time.
Ultimately, you need to learn to walk before you can run.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
We don't need them
23.10.2011 09:40
The London Occupation is already threatened by various nutters on the fringes (911, Bilderburg, etc etc) and a bunch of Cambridge Arts graduates will just about kill it off.
working class and proud
We don't need them...
23.10.2011 10:40
Frank Butcher
non-exclusion, but class analysis central/watch out for black ops!
23.10.2011 12:29
It's perfectly obvious what the enemy is. Anyone who dedicates time to creating division at this crucial time is part of the problem, not the solution. Discussion has begun in Greece that is making the link with known secret service activity undermining political movements in previous decades with possible agent provocateurs amongst the black block in mass demonstrations - a phenomenon now synonymous with practically all large demonstrations that have occured in Greece in recent memory and which is a tactic which has spread across the world to varying degrees of success in some instances. However, it is notable how, along with terrorist attacks particularly the bombing of Bologna railway station on August 2, 1980 carried out by fascists within the security services of the West (involving members of the 'stay behind' army operated by CIA & MI6 under a project called 'Operation Gladio' under Nato, in which the P2 lodge in Italy were implicated*) which killed 85 people and which was blamed on the Red Brigades, the state can go out of its way to disassociate public support from a left-of-centre movement for political change by discrediting it.
[* as revealed by Italian PM Giulio Andreotti in the Italian Parliament on 10 June 1992 and documented in Allan Frankovich's series about Operation Gladio on BBC's Timewatch Ref:
(watch it while you can - it has been wiped off YouTube and Googlevideo)].
Lest us not forget, amongst the self-appointed hierachcy in the direct-action movement characterised by a tyranny of structurelessness, the numerous instances of police infiltration and how particular individuals have managed to weedle into positions of major responsibility, such as undercover cop Mark Kennedy who led plans to close a power plant and networking and who suspected of carrying out a major organisational role linking black block groups across Europe between 2005 and 2007.
In terms of the movement, this reality both informs why concensus decision-making is vitally important for all major strategic decisions, whilst also drawing attention to the fact that organising in this way can be protracted, which is why practical day-to-day tasks need to be devolved to people to just get on with things. Marking the distinction between both is a constant challenge.
The time is now to not remain in your cultural ghettos and unite on a common platform. That platform needs to reject the current system and have a clear class analysis in advocating what the solution to the current mess is. People from middle class backgrounds who hold to this perspective are perfectly welcome as far as I am concerned, but the risk of hegemony of leadership needs to be constantly mitigated against, which is why rank-and -file is essential.
Majority rule.
23.10.2011 14:16
That was a very different time in which the middle class were created by using the politics of revulsion and poverty. If you attempt to re-engineer that time, using that politic, you will simply re-enact a movement back toward the creation of the middle class, thereby confirming its existance. Class war in the 1980's and 1990's was what led to the creation of the modern middle class.
"The last thing this movement needs is the involvement of the Middle Class with all the baggage and desire to control they bring. We only need look at the Climate Camp disaster as a result of the Middle Class becoming involved, then taking over and finally destroying because one or two individuals realised they could build a political / media career on the back of Climate Camp or Disarm DSEI which had all credibility and support wiped out once the Ruperts and Fionas of Space Hijackers rocked on up and took over."
The motivating factor in the occupy movement in London, Spain and in New York is concerned with building a generic movement based on realising the majority voice. Any attempt to try to bring that about, by not involving the majority voice is destined to fail. It just isn't the case that the occupy movement should be based in Climate Camp, that was a tactical movement which had its place during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars are always going to illicit a statist movement as response. During the vietnam era, the climate change movement was also in its heyday. When the war stopped, surprise surprise, that movement fell into decay. So has it been for the wars in the Middle-East. In a time of war, the west has history of creating its own protest movements in order to deflect public anger away from the issues that matter. What better movement can you have than one cncerned with protesting about the air you breath! The environemnt is always important, but it is always used too.
Space Hijackers are pretty much the same affair. They are designed to illicit failure. That has always been their purpose.
The most effective tactic the state has in trying to forstall the modern anti-capitalist protest movement, is distraction. That strategy works particularly well with the Middle Class. And it is the appearance into this anti-capitalist movement of the Middle Class that is the thing the 1% dread the most.
The majority rule.
Any attempt to derail that idea is undemocratic, elitist and fundamentally subversive.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
23.10.2011 14:40
the anonny mouse
Toxic Tories are killing our kids...
23.10.2011 20:19
Leukaemia rates are double around nuke plants. Can't contain radioactive tritium within the containment. (From a German container.)
The only reason anybody would want to use Uranium for anything is if they wanted to use it for it's legacy of death. They want you to die young. It has nothing to do with energy security.
The green tariff subsidies are being used to hide the amount of cash we will haemorrhage with new nUKes.
Chernobyl cover up - WHO quiet since the 50's?
exposure to radiation shortens your life, we are being left with half lives and a mutant population under the auspices of the fascist deceit.
Is it worth it for 20%?
Let them be in their fear and loathing. Create a new society, cut off their supplies and their slavery.
Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain
23.10.2011 23:30
Shed 7
Three steps to saving Occupy (wherever it is)
27.10.2011 15:40
(2) Silence the anti-Semites (and any other nasty people, such as fascists and racists).
(3) Get as many people who want to see a credible occupation movement which will actually give a system a proper fright on board to reclaim it from the idiots (see also 1).
To all those who will now go "OH NOES YOUR TAKING AWAI OUR FREEDUM OF SPEACH" I suggest you piss off to 4chan.