Occupy Movement Spreading Throughout Southern California Region
IMC LA | 17.10.2011 07:38 | Occupy Everywhere
Demonstrations also took place in Riverside, San Diego, Orange County, Santa Barbara and Long Beach.
In San Diego Mark Conlan reports: Despite attacks by police wielding pepper spray and Mace, confiscation of their possession and a series of threats to evict them forcibly from the Civic Center Plaza, over 1,000 members and supporters of Occupy San Diego reclaimed their downtown space
In Riverside Rockero reports: Just under 100 people of conscience successfully held the pedestrian walkway of the downtown mall, despite police threats of arrest for those determined to sleep in the public thoroughfare.
Reports from the Newswire: We are the 99% World Day of Awareness is a Peaceful Peak for Los Angeles, Set 1, Set 2, Set 3 by Robert Stuart Lowden | Pix of Occupy LA by Rick Panna | Occupy San Diego Draws Thousands Downtown Oct. 15 by Mark Gabrish Conlan | Occupy Riverside Official Launch October 15, 2011 by Rockero
UPDATE Latest News:
- Police Crack Down on Long Beach Encampment, Two Arrests Reported, MP3 Audio: The 99 Percent Solution by James Maverick
- Police Harass Peaceful Occupiers in Downtown Riverside By Rockero
Occupy LA: Critical Perspectives
The occupation of Wall Street, which has turned into an international movement, has prompted much discussion about political and economics systems and possible alternatives to the current ones. However, there has also been critical discourse about the movement itself, its defining characteristics (the slogans, the declaration and principles of solidarity, the imagery, the general assembly, the people's mic, etc.) and the role of race, class, and gender within the movement. LA Indymedia has gathered some of these perspectives from our newswire, social media, and the blogosphere and present them here for further discussion.
From the newswire: Occupying LaLa Land by Federica Lorca
From the social media: Some Thoughts on Last Night's Occupy L.A. General Assembly by V�ctor EntrePuertas | | Reflections on Occupy LA, Wall St. and Bel air by Paulina | | Occupy Riverside You Need the Integrated Participation of Womyn of Color! by TepilliUelia Gloria
From the blogosphere: Some thoughts on the Occupation Movement by Joaquin Cienfuegos | | A tod@s nuestr@s familiares y compa�er@ s en la lucha / To all our families and companer@s in the struggle by RAC-LA