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Qaddafi death photos / film faked

Trust nobody | 21.10.2011 10:51

Once again the CIA / Mossad / Rothschild machine does its best to convince us of the death of a useful bogyman and FAILS

Having learnt their lessons over the faked death of Bin Laden (who is alive and well living in Saudi Arabia) we have the latest poorly produced fake death but this time with pictures

The Zionist controlled media plays its part by repeating over and over the same short piece of film to imprint the image in the minds of the people. The film clearly shows a poor individual with a vague resemblance to Qaddafi, he can clearly be heard shouting in Arabic "You have the wrong man". The Mossad operative next to him can be seen pushing a fist into his ribs to silence his shouts.

Once again they try to fool us, once again they fail

Trust nobody


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Bin Laden alive and well ?

21.10.2011 11:24

You state quite confidently that OBL is alive and well and living in Saudi Arabia - where's your proof/sources for this ?

Why do the Taliban carry out 'revenge attacks' if he wasn't killed ?

Why isn't OBL producing videos showing he's still alive ?

Why do you expect people to believe whatever you say without proof ? Does this make you better than those who claim things and have the video footage (fake or not) to 'prove' their claims ?

The Truth is Out There

Gadaffi dead?

21.10.2011 11:37

Gadaffi was well known for using doppelgangers to fool his enemies. While I don't necessarily go for this 'zionist plot' stuff, keep an open mind on the 'death of Gadaffi' story, set against a background of anti-Gadaffi zealoutry. Those desperate to topple him would probably kill anyone with a passing resemblance.


Zionist machine working quickly

21.10.2011 11:56

Note how the Zionist / Mossad IT teams are quick to try and detract attention from the faking with people like "The Truth is Out There" who trawl websites such as this and try to rubbish the evidence.

Don't rise to their trolling and ignore them.

Trust nobody