Foreign police sent to crush Greek resistance?
Anon | 21.10.2011 10:40
It seems that foreign police - in effect mercenaries - have been brought into Greece to put down the revolt on the streets.
A couple of links here:
Does this mean that the Greek police were in danger of siding with their own population?
It seems like a dangerous precedent. Is that what would happen here if protests got to the point where they were in danger of changing anything?

Does this mean that the Greek police were in danger of siding with their own population?
It seems like a dangerous precedent. Is that what would happen here if protests got to the point where they were in danger of changing anything?
Hide the following 9 comments
21.10.2011 10:44
21.10.2011 11:07
The European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) is an initiative of 5 EU Member States - France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain – aimed at improving the crisis management capability in sensitive areas. Since Wednesday, 17th December 2008, the High Level Interdepartmental Committee Meeting (CIMIN) decided to welcome the Romanian Gendarmerie to become a full member of the EGF. Therefore the EGF consists from that moment of 6 member states.
EGF responds to the need to rapidly conduct all the spectrum of civil security actions, either on its own or in parallel with the military intervention, by providing a multinational and effective tool.
The EGF will facilitate the handling of crisis that require management by police forces, usually in a critical situation, also taking advantage from the experience already gained in the relevant peace-keeping missions.
Based in Vicenza in the "Generale Chinotto" barracks, the EGF HQ is now developing a comprehensive and coherent operational system, which will permit to be ready in case of prompt deployment to crisis areas.
EGF goal is to provide the International Community with a valid and operational instrument for crisis management, first and foremost at disposal of EU, but also of other International Organizations, as NATO, UN and OSCE, and ad hoc coalitions.
Another link
21.10.2011 11:16
Talk about it = Somebody talking
21.10.2011 11:58
Real proof please
Going nowhere
21.10.2011 12:02
I can't imagine why the Greek resistance is failing
Unjust War, Illegal Violence.
21.10.2011 21:13
Hans B.
@Unjust War, Illegal Violence.
21.10.2011 23:12
Most people in the UK seem to be just getting on with live and actually apart from the usual griping about weather and prices of stuff, seem pretty happy
So take your revolt and shove it up you ass because you will just make a shit mess of everything and we'll end up worse than Greece if you are put in charge (which would never happen)
Re @Unjust War, Illegal Violence.
22.10.2011 15:30
body language
Troll identifier.
22.10.2011 21:35
"I think the problem is in Greece mate - not the world "
Pest conTROLL.