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1 protester in Athens dead, pulpit whores blaming the revolutionairies

Chios National Liberation Movement | 20.10.2011 16:28 | Policing | Repression | Social Struggles | World

1 'protester' dead of heart stoppage, a syndicalist (PAME-KKE stalinist) builder from Athens. He was guarding the parliament building to try to stop people attacking it! He died of heart failure. No signs of physical injury, unlike many others who attacked and were attacked in attempts to attack, and to defend, the parliament building. Still the stalinist KKE was determined to let the troika vote, and their actions were and will continue to be bloody.

Chios National Liberation Movement


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What a balls up

20.10.2011 16:31

So now one part of the Greek Left is fighting another part. Those in Athens must be pissing themselves at us.



20.10.2011 16:57

18.40 GMT+2 A 53-year-old man who participated in today’s Athens demo, is deceased.

Confirmed information so far, according to the comrades of the free radio 98 FM who have contacted doctors:
- The deceased (alleged member of PAME) was hospitalized experiencing chest discomfort, atrial fibrillation and respiratory problems, and terminated due to a heart attack. It is confirmed that the 53-year-old carried no head injuries (as originally reported in corporate media, twitter, etc.). He probably died from inhaling an excessive amount of tear gas shot by the Greek police. Another likely reason would be tension during the strike, or even dehydration. However, only the findings of the doctors can give us enlightenment.
- This is NOT the same case of earlier rumours about a clinically dead protester —those were not true. The latter fell from a curb in Syntagma Square (he was never attacked by a stone). When he was offered first aid he was unconscious. He is elderly but NOT clinically deceased as the Power originally suggested for political reasons. In the past, political circles have spread rumours regarding dead people. The Power is ruthless.

Police attacked people in Monastiraki; also in front of the parliament while Syntagma square has been completely occupied by repressive forces for about an hour.



20.10.2011 17:35

How do you reckon these PAME stalinists to be part of the left then? They are acting with the forces of the state in defence of the state. Working class traitors same as fascists. One of them died after being gassed by his own side. Tough - thousands of better people have already died this year.

shedding no tears

Authoritian left

20.10.2011 23:50

stalinist trades unionists decided to defend the Greek parliment against anarchists, hmm, reminisant of the Spanish civil war. Let us take heed of the trade union leaders ability to, at his radical best be a moderate reformer.A 53 year old stalinist trades unionist died from inhaling posionous public order gas fired by police, while he was "defending" parliament from anarchists taking direct action against the building,as inside the parliament building MP`s were voting austerity measuresin. I predict, that as the cuts deepen, we will hear the trades union leaders become reformist, telling members that the cuts are necessary.
Will any of the unions be actively supporting the students on the streets on Nov 9th?
Will an anarchist presence, if there is one, be welcomed by the unions, even a feeder march. after march 26th?
Grassroots democracy!

Winston Smith

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more deaths

21.10.2011 23:13

just like those people that the protestors burnt in the bank

knob head

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This is how democracy looks like

22.10.2011 14:34

Learning that the democratic parliament is not an asset that would be worth to be put under new management, but something operated for the only purpose to misrepresent, misunderstand and mislead, and hence to be dealt with accordingly, can be quite a shock even when experienced aside from an attack with toxins. However while that shock in itself is harmless and may even be inspiring in the long term, experienced in a condition severely weakened by chemical warfare it may be the last straw. These police tactics have always been designed such that these in the middle of changing their mind are being hurt most, because they might make the most difference. More often than not, the parliament is not a victim of the lobbyists which could be liberated from their grip for any meaningful purpose. The parliament is the public face of the 1%, an inverted reality where they are 99% among themselves and pretend to be like the rest of us while trying to poison us. The sooner its theatrics are over the better.

plausibly deniable death march

This is how democracy looks like

22.10.2011 18:01

Learning that the democratic parliament is not an asset that would be worth to be put under new management, but something operated for the only purpose to misrepresent, misunderstand and mislead, and hence to be dealt with accordingly, can be quite a shock even when experienced aside from an attack with toxins. However while that shock in itself is harmless and may even be inspiring in the long term, experienced in a condition severely weakened by chemical warfare it may be the last straw. These police tactics have always been designed such that these in the middle of changing their mind are being hurt most, because they might make the most difference. More often than not, the parliament is not a victim of the lobbyists which could be liberated from their grip for any meaningful purpose. The parliament is the public face of the 1%, an inverted reality where they are 99% among themselves and pretend to be like the rest of us while trying to poison us. The sooner its theatrics are over the better.

plausibly deniable death march

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