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Working gp report backs: #occupylsx assembly tues (update) | 18.10.2011 20:55 | London

Tues 18th Oct: the assembly meeting agenda will be:

- Announcement re call out for support for Dale Farm
- Working group feedbacks
- Political / philisophical / strategy discussion (last night this was 'what do we want and how do we get there'- tonight it will be 'what do we as occupylsx occupation practically do in the next week'- small groups discussion then feedback.

NB Working group feedbacks will be short as the 1pm assembly is the one more concerned directly with logistics and planning

For note the wish list of supplies is still sturdy folding tables, lighting + solar lighting, sand + sandbags, marker boards, tents, pavilions, power generation equipment, food, drinks, cutlery, butane gas, rings, saucepans cups, washing up stuff, kettles, buckets brooms, sanitaries, chairs, hammers and nails, wood, ropes, blankets, tarps, gazebos, rope, cushions, cardboard, sleeping mats, waterproofs, bin liners, tape, gaffa, stationary.

And people who can help transport kit with vehicles.

WORKING GROUP FEEDBACKS:  (from those that wanted to)

Bit less press today than previous days. Newsnight were here and we will be on this evening. There's a Guardian journalist staying with us at occupation. We sent out a press release yesterday on the agreed statement, but haven't sent one out today, not one today. Tech team are doing great job - have set up press and tech tent. If you want training or support come see us. There's a callout to make banners reflecting the occupation's statement. Exciting news, tomorrow we are linking up with OccupyFrankfurt and OccupyWallSt in a live text chat to talk about occupations, methods and technology and this will be shown fully on the Guardian website - people from each working group can submit questions for this.

Church liaison group:
We met yesterday with Canon Giles Fraser and had a good talk. He's very pleased to defend right to protest. Having us as new neighbours has caused some unexpected new difficulties and we want to work with then to make it easier. So can we be empowered to send msg to keep the space clean and tidy as possible to live in harmony. A quick note - re the steps because st pauls is unfunded (church or state) it's essential visitors and tourists can access because that's where they get most donations from. And we're working with them on noise issues, to manage timings of noisy activities like assemblies, so do check what time their services are (on the board) and bear this in mind. They can facilitate us but can't help with electricity.

Recycling and general waste:
Thanks to those recycling correctly, keep using the right bags and bins. Have met with police and council and have got 3 recycling bins now installed at the front - don't put general waste in there as if they are contaminated they will be withdrawn. Nb paper cups not recyclable. If you're coming dowhn please bring your own plates, cups and cuttlery.

Info group:
The Info tent should be the portal for all information - so working groups please notify the info group with your details. The info group also needs volunteers if you have a couple of hrs or more to spare

International outreach:
The group has been created to get in touch with assemblies around the world - we are getting organised and figuring out which platforms we use and will be at the info point after the assembly.

University group:
We started the university meetings today and each day will have a lecture at 6pm for half hour then discussion. Come get in touch if you want to propose lectures and discussions - tomorrow is 'neoliberalism and the crisis'.

Outreach group + publicity group:
We are producing leaflets with the assembly statement and contact details - thousands will be ready for tmrw evening. We meet 10am each morning under the capitalism is crisis banner. An outreach event is being planned for saturday afternoon. (update)
- Original article on IMC London: