Shocking video of cop kicking handcuffed woman in head
vast minority | 18.10.2011 06:27
A SHOCKING video of a cop brutally kicking a handcuffed female protester in the head has emerged on the internet.
Reports Keep Talking Greece: "A group of Indignados made up of protestors from several European countries arrived in Brussels last week after walking the 1562km from Madrid.
"Wednesday’s incident happened during an otherwise peaceful demonstration in front of the headquarters of the bank Dexia on the Rogierplein in the Sint-Joost-ten-Node area of the city."
The woman, who is Greek, was interviewed by the authorities after the video surfaced and the cop has been suspended.
The point to remember here is that protesting peacefully does not mean police will not physically attack you - in fact, for some of them the reverse is true.
"Wednesday’s incident happened during an otherwise peaceful demonstration in front of the headquarters of the bank Dexia on the Rogierplein in the Sint-Joost-ten-Node area of the city."
The woman, who is Greek, was interviewed by the authorities after the video surfaced and the cop has been suspended.
The point to remember here is that protesting peacefully does not mean police will not physically attack you - in fact, for some of them the reverse is true.
vast minority
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What police do...
18.10.2011 12:20
Real democracy and natural law!
@nti @uthoritian
18.10.2011 12:31
I really hate anarchists at the moment
18.10.2011 13:15
You know what .. we're such boring ranty losers sometimes ... most of the time.
Why is it no one can be surprised at grim state action without someone coming on here and saying 'I knew that before you'?
I suspect middle class guilt at not having been kicked around enough by cops.
amazing what you can wank over on the internet now days!
18.10.2011 16:14
joe blogs
18.10.2011 23:44
The person doesn't really kick her in the head, its a slow pretend kick and she dodges out of the way. You can see there is no intentional power in the kick - its more a sweep
Basically, non-news
Not a fake - in slow motion!
19.10.2011 06:31!
shes hard
19.10.2011 06:48
that or its bollocks......some things have to be believed to be seen
Any follow-up on this?
15.11.2011 16:55
Does anybody know whether the court hearing has taken place and/or what the verdict was? I have been looking but cannot find any info on this yet.
The Saint
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