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Memo about direct democracy to: Occupy Wall Street and Friends

iniref | 15.10.2011 10:28 | Liverpool

The Occupy movement, currently active in hundreds of places across the world, must find ways to maintain energy and momentum. One strategy should be to establish our right to citizen-led governance, so that we can propose, change and veto public including economic policy.

take back political power
take back political power

Press release: Memo about direct democracy to: Occupy Wall Street and Friends

iniref i&r ~ gb

Direct Democracy in Practice
How can the momentum of the Occupy movement and related movements be maintained?

One part of the solution can be to give ourselves effective *tools* of democracy and governance. There is a widespread consensus that the people should be able to overrule their "representative" politicians if they choose to do so. This is an expression of direct democracy, a call which resonates through creative movements of Arabian, Asian, European and American countries. Using this sort of democracy we could make "ordinary" laws and also change constitutional law, reserving our right to supervise the exercising of government power.

The town meeting is a very old and well-established form of collective debate and decision making. In future we could promote this sort of democracy, with citizen meetings in city districts, villages and towns. To cope with larger numbers and areas we could use citizens' proposal (initiative), which can lead to a demand for legally binding referendum. The citizens' proposal can be used to propose law, to block or veto unwanted government policy and also to sack elected politicians who perform badly.

This is an idea "whose time has come"! If you agree then spread it widely.

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About iniref

We advocate the introduction of direct democratic procedures such as citizens' initiative, referendum, and recall in the countries of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. See our web site for proposals, campaign resources, an offer to provide speakers, workshops and conference reports. Web site: Contact: Discuss at: Tags: direct democracy, ballot, veto, lawmaking, town meeting, plebiscite, sovereignty, self-determination, radical, campaign, lobby, education, politics, constitution, funding ;-)



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you have to emphasise your into constitutional DD& cooperativism

17.10.2011 00:34

otherswise many, including activists are just going to say your like the swiss 1848 which at the time was revolutionary but has been coopted by the banks in 1934,etc. I know this is on site, More cooperativistas&activists need to join iniref.


re. you have to emphasise your into constitutional DD& cooperativism

17.10.2011 17:35


At iniref we think that in the 21st century *direct* democracy can be applied effectively for self-government. Radical change could be achieved peacefully in this way. We do not try to direct policy but expect that people and movements will be able to develop good ideas. Very pleased to co-operate with activists and co-operative movement to get the democratic tools installed in GB and elsewhere.


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