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Boston Police Brutally Assault Occupy Boston

JPo | 12.10.2011 00:08 | Occupy Everywhere | Policing | Social Struggles

At 1:30 this morning hundreds of police in full riot gear brutally attacked Occupy Boston, which had peacefully gathered on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The Boston Police Department made no distinction between protesters, medics, or legal observers, arresting legal observer Urszula Masny-Latos, who serves as the Executive Director for the Massachusetts branch of the National Lawyers Guild, as well as four medics attempting to care for the injured. Earlier in the day, an estimated ten thousand union members, students, veterans, families, men, and women of all ages marched from the Boston Common to Dewey Square, and then to the North Washington Bridge to demand economic reform on Wall Street and the end of special interest influence in Washington.

Following this massive outpouring of public support, dozens of police vans descended on the Greenway, with batons drawn, assaulting protesters and arresting more than one-hundred people. Members of Veterans for Peace carrying American flags were pushed to the ground and their flags trampled as the police hauled them away. Following the raid, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis made no mention of veterans, organized labor, students, or families, nor did he issue an apology for his department’s aggressive tactics. Since the beginning of its occupation, Occupy Boston has worked tirelessly and successfully to maintain a positive working relationship with city officials. Today’s reprehensible attack by the Boston Police Department against a movement that enjoys the broad support of the American people represents a sad and disturbing shift away from dialogue and towards violent repression. Despite the city’s attempt to silence us, Occupy Boston remains, and bears no ill-will towards the men and women of the Boston Police Department who were simply following orders. We hope that someday the peaceful pursuit of economic justice will not provoke the beating of elderly veterans and the arrest of medics and legal observers. We encourage everyone who continues to feel as strongly as we do about limiting the influence of Wall Street on our democracy to join us tomorrow, and in the future, down in Dewey Square. “We will occupy. We are the 99 percent and we are no longer silent.” ### Occupy Boston is the beginning of an ongoing discussion about reforming Wall Street and removing special interests from government. The continuing occupation of Dewey Square (outside South Station) is just one of more than 120 separate Occupy encampments in cities across the nation and a symbol for “Occupiers” everywhere who support real and lasting change. Video:

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liberal bollocks

12.10.2011 09:36

what a load of hippy liberal shite this statement is... oh look, they wish no ill to officers of Boston Police that were simply following orders.. how noble of them. I guess SS soldiers killing Jews were also just following orders? Pfffftt...


Grow up....

12.10.2011 14:00

...Anarchist at least these people are there doing something. I would have thought your on the same side..dont be such a can kick the filth if you want and so might I, but others have to get to that point and it wont be via gob shite remarks


methinks a better name for him would be 'pseudo'

12.10.2011 16:02

methinks a better name for him would be 'pseudo'

malatesta blackadder

well, thats how i feel

12.10.2011 21:00

sorry mate, but every time i read about "cops just doing their jobs" etc I feel like puking- that kind opf attitude is part of the problem so actually no, i dont feel me and authors of that statement are on the same side. If they didn't get there after getting their fucking heads kicked in for peacefully protesting, then they never will.


Losing a numbers game.

13.10.2011 02:00

"what a load of hippy liberal shite this statement is... oh look, they wish no ill to officers of Boston Police that were simply following orders.. how noble of them. I guess SS soldiers killing Jews were also just following orders? Pfffftt..."


Knot-Eyed Jaguar

numbers game- who is losing?

13.10.2011 09:01

and since 99.8% of them were following orders, I guess Jews and other victims shouldn't bear them any ill and they should have been acquitted after the war, right?


Down we go.

13.10.2011 13:46

"and since 99.8% of them were following orders, I guess Jews and other victims shouldn't bear them any ill and they should have been acquitted after the war, right?"


Knot-Eyed Jaguar