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News from ALARM (alarm) | 10.10.2011 14:55 | London

ALARM (All London Anarchist Revolutionary Movement) meets every second and fourth sunday of the month, 6pm, in Central London.

Good meeting this Sunday 9th of October, about 25 people in the room.


# Next ALARM distro: Meet 3pm East Croydon train station on Thursday 13th October to help distributing our brand newFreeSheet!

Red and Black club Friday 21st October 8pm till Midnight, atLARC 52 Fieldgate st, E1. The ALARM monthly social. Come, enjoy cheap drinks and good company on the eve of the most exciting day of the year!

Anarchist Bookfair22nd October 10am to 7pm, Queen Mary’s, University of London on the Mile End Road. ALARM will have a stall, a workshop and a meeting. Check out the program of the event.

# ALARM will organise around November the 9thstudents demo and walk out. Come to the next meeting to chat more about that

EMA not ETON, first demo was brilliant, come to the next one on 12th November. See here for more details.

** NEXT ALARM MEETING: Sunday 23rd October 6pm **
Probably at Calthorpe Arms, check here for confirmation nearer the date

ALARM propaganda is doing great, the paper is out and distribution has started. Come on thursday in Croydon to help distributing some more. Flyers are being printed and we have some awesome stickers on the way!

We had few people from Radical London coming along. Radical London is a network of local radical organisations doing some amazing work (such as Radical Islington, Haringey Solidarity Group, Action East End...). We discussed making stronger links between our two organisations. If anyone is interested in contributing or starting a local group, come to the next Radical London meeting 12th November, 12-6pm at LARC.

Other events organised by anarchist friends:
Hackney Housing infonight organised by HAG (Hackney Anarchist Group)
Tuesday 25th October 7pm, Marcon and Aspland community centre, Amhurst road.
Thurrrock heckler distro sometimes mid November, in Grays (Essex). Will let you know more the details nearer the date. (alarm)
- Original article on IMC London: