Antifascist Prisoners Leaflet
Leeds Anarchist Black Cross | 10.10.2011 09:49 | Anti-racism | Policing | Repression | Sheffield | South Coast
Leeds Anarchist Black Cross
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10.10.2011 09:53
Leeds ABC
Is this really helpful?
10.10.2011 18:43
The prisoners are either guilty of conspiring to commit violent disorder and should be asking for support on these grounds or are not guilty and have been fitted up and support should be given on these grounds. Leaflets that show peoples heads been kicked in and then ask for support of people who did not commit a conspiracy can only drive away support and probably help the state. I presume that Leeds ABC do not mean to do the states work for them and provide evidence for the police in future trials so what do they really think is gained by this graphic?
Puzzled - another cop trolling
10.10.2011 20:53
The image I'm looking at shows a young man or woman joyfully giving a nazi bonehead what he fucking deserves.
Our comrades in jail weren't charged with or convicted of assault because you couldn't put a German neo-nazi in the box. So instead you fitted them up on a bogus conspiracy charge.
They'll do their time as proud antifascists. Why don't you fuck off and read Police Review or stick an orange in your gob and hang yourself from the doorframe?
Puzzled? Or just thick
10.10.2011 21:16
Black Star
Blatant trolling
10.10.2011 23:15
BTW boys, don't think that pic will be much use in any future prosecutions - it's 20 years old, a well-known AFA/Antifa pic, and taken in Germany!
Way off
11.10.2011 06:45
Hardly a "puzzle" - you're very obviously a cop
11.10.2011 11:23
1) Leeds ABC are not, as you say, “supporting people accused of conspiring to commit violence”. Both trials are over, there are no more “accused”. A summary of the case is given in the PDF leaflet above.
2) Your interpretation of the graphic used in the poster above as “a group of people giving a man on the ground a kicking” is at odds with reality. The image shows a fascist skinhead having the table’s turned on him by a smaller, but braver opponent, someone who, like our imprisoned comrades, was prepared to go out onto the streets to risk their safety and liberty to oppose organised fascism. Because the graphic is a metaphor for the struggle against fascism, it has become one of the stock images of the antifascist struggle and is used on posters, stickers, and T-shirts across Europe, much like the famous ‘Good Night White Pride’ one.
3) None of our comrades have ever shied away from being militant antifascists, and Sean Cregan never denied striking a neo-Nazi. The conspiracy however, was an invention of the State, a contraption for misleading the jury and jailing good antifascists when there would otherwise have been no case against them.
4) I doubt that there is any support to be garnered from idiot liberals who would give one moment’s consideration to the drivel in your post. Our comrades are nonetheless well supported by people who, unlike the police, oppose fascism and realise what opposing it actually means.
5) Our comrades were tried and convicted on fuck all evidence. Anyone who thinks that a well-used decades-old photograph from a foreign country might be of use to the police in terms of any future prosecutions is quite simply a fucking idiot. Since you are a cop – scum – and would clearly reduce the historic antifascist battles of Cable Street and Lewisham to ‘groups of people kicking others heads in’, you can keep your advice and idiotic ‘analysis’.
During both trials, we witnessed a struggle between people of integrity and courage on one side and a bunch of fascist-apologists and liars on the other. One group stood by their principles, the other group never had any principles to begin with. Because of personal malice and conceit, having failed to fit up everyone in the case, the hirelings of the State are now reduced to trolling Indymedia to try and undermine support for those they fitted-up and for the Anarchist Black Cross. No doubt there’ll be other battles, no doubt other casualties, but our people will always behave with a courage and with a dignity you cannot even understand, and they will always be supported. So until the next time, go fucking suck it Trafford, Blackburn, Blacksell, and all your scummy underlings. Our day will come.
Cops Love Nazis
11.10.2011 11:32