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repulsive fascist demo leeds

leeds ARA | 08.10.2011 15:06 | Anti-racism

skrewdriver songs played in leeds city centre

around 200 fascists rallied in leeds city centre day, this was an absolute disgrace to multi cultural community of leeds, it would appear that the torrential rain lowered the nazis numbers, anti fascists gathered in leeds city centre armed with leaflets that we gave out to the general public. the nazis gathered outside leeds train station with a P.A system, anti fascist observers were horrified to hear skrewdriver songs blasted out of the PA system, also an Adolf Hitler speech was played, there was one arrest as the nazis threw bananas at black pedestrians and shoppers.

a group of anti fascists attempted to confront the fascists, armed with a pink UAF banner we charged at the nazis, but we were pushed back by the police , the nazis as usual needed police protection, also some MDL were brave enough to confront the NWI, the police appeared to be sympathetic with the fascists, and it is a disgrace that skrewdriver songs were played in leeds city centre in public, the organizers of the event should be arrested and put in prison for playing sickening racially inflammatory material in public, although there was anti fascist counter protest but many felt let down by the UAF leaders who failed to call out significant numbers, three years ago we pulled out a thousand people against the BPP, the next harcore nazi demo is in newcastle, we need to call for a rally against it now.

leeds ARA


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Troll or tool?

08.10.2011 15:30

"armed with a pink UAF banner we charged at the nazis"
"the organizers of the event should be arrested and put in prison for playing sickening racially inflammatory material in public" ???

Smells & sounds like bullshit to me.


skrewdriver songs are illegal

08.10.2011 15:37

correct me if i am wrong but skrewdriver and blood and honour music is in breach of the race relations act, and many nazis have been jailed for the distribution of such material. so why was it being played in leeds city centre


remove comment by A-H

08.10.2011 15:41

indy mods please remove the comment made by A-H which stands for Adolf Hitler,


...or Antifa Hooligan

08.10.2011 15:44

which is what it was intended to mean.



08.10.2011 16:10

where the 'mighty' (ahum) "nwi" ended up in Leeds this afternoon


Offered support?

08.10.2011 16:49

Thats pathetic trolling as I assume Mark Barnsley would not be offering assistance or permission to others to stop Fascists as he would be active in stopping them.... correct me if I am wrong..

Anty Fa

fascists took the piss.

08.10.2011 16:53

if this report is true that they played screwdriver songs in leeds city centre and got away with it then the police should be ashamed of themselves for hosting the event,



08.10.2011 17:10

it was the swedish nazi female vocalist saga that was played at the demo, in the middle of leeds city centre



08.10.2011 18:34

brilliant report on yourselves fuckwitts....most citizens of Leeds weren't even aware of what you were protesting about let alone that they gave a fuck....what an embarrasment to the master rain , standing around in the pissing rain looking sad , havn't you got owt better to do on a saturday muppets ? Muggy Boneheads the lot of you

Concerned of Gipton


08.10.2011 18:49

Please give it a rest. They played Adolf Hitler speeches?
Its making bulshit up such as that which damages anti fascism.
Accordding to the SWP website, it was a great sucess...yes.


Today - an honest eyewitness appraisal

08.10.2011 19:31

The OP is utter rubbish. There was maybe 80-100 Infidels/NWI at the demo, mostly teenage lads in sportswear with a few (extremely unsubtle) spotters lurking round the edges & surrounding streets. A bit of 'Rule Britannia' singing and 'Land Of Hope & Glory' played on a crap soundsystem in the p*ssing rain... but there were NO Skrewdriver songs or Hitler speeches - exaggeration like this only discredits antifascism.

There was a dash down the road from some UAF/SWP stopped by the cops - to be fair if the cops hadn't stopped them, they were outnumbered and outgunned so the outcome wouldn't have been pretty. At the same time, the NWI could have rushed the UAF lot easily as the police were low on numbers at that point - instead they just shouted and posed, so null points to either side.

The whole affair was a tawdry disappointment that even many passers-by failed to notice, but the bullsh*t posted above isn't helpful.

Yorkshire SHARP

no israel flag

08.10.2011 19:55

thank fuck on this occasion they did not have the israel flag, at least they were more open with their nazi ideas

uk fightback

yorkshire sharp you`re wrong

08.10.2011 20:04

i observed the demo, they played free my land, the patriot, skrewdriver songs sung by saga, and the anti fascists that charged the demo are brave people that deserve absolute maximum respect,


uaf charged the nwi

08.10.2011 20:11

it was uaf supporters that charged the nwi, not swp, who always try to claim the glory,


@ Anon

08.10.2011 20:26

Fair enough - I wasn't there for long so maybe I missed the Saga songs... I did see a few right arms go up though so I hope someone got them on camera.

Re UAF/SWP/whoever... personally I think a suicidal rush straight into the Old Bill and/or superior enemy numbers is naive not heroic. Up to you, but I don't see the point of risking arrest for a moment of showboating.

None of which alters the fact that the day was a dismal failure for the NWI... it just looked embarrassing.

Yorkshire SHARP

Waterlogged Wallies

09.10.2011 09:35

Did see the familiar faces of Leeds's shame milling about in the city centre during our usual Saturday shopping extravaganza. My god I thought these morons had died off or crawled back under their rocks out of the sunlight. I was very surprised to see Mr White with a large group of others I recognised from Bramley and Armley, seems some of the one time big boys from Bramley have been conned by fascist ideology unless it was just their penchant for drug dealing, thuggery and violence that they were in it for also acting as security and swanning around whitey were the thugs he appeared with at the Leeds EDL shambles who need to wear clothes to fit them rather than t-shirts and shirts that are too small for them in their obvious steroid enhancing ways. Two were seen sporting suits and SIA badges on their arms. Seems the bad old days haven't gone away. At least they were pissed on whatever or wherever they were going.

Passer By


09.10.2011 09:48

I believe SWP always try to take the credit because they're not very good at being subtle about their front organisations.


standing in the rain for hours...

09.10.2011 11:03

the OP and also the report on the SWP website are of course totally inaccurate - why? because fake and simplistic propaganda are easier than standing in the rain for hours. The NWI are a big enough problem as it is with their banal racism, xenophobia and English loyalism - there is no need to make up stories because you were there in passing for 10 minutes. [banannas???]

Anti-fascism and anti-racism need to be real work, considered and strategic.

Anti-fascists have no common ground with MDL so why laud them on here? in any case there was no evidence they were present and certainly no confrontation. If 5 or 6 young Asian blokes mooning around drinking lucozade and wearing the occasional keffiyah makes them MDL then the observer is a racist as the NWI...

let's face it, a small number of anti-fascist observers [and a probably equal number of EDL observers] does not make a credible opposition to the NWI - but at least we have a clear idea what went on.
The leafleting on Brigate by SWP/UAF was a reasonable idea but seemed to be totally failing to communicate with anyone not already a trot [sound was lousy, issues were numerous and conflated, nobody was stopping].
The dibble thought the demo was UAF or EDL [??!] and the woman in a unison hat thought it was EDL. the more people write crap hearsay on here the more an informed resistance is unlikely.... and by resistance I don't mean playing political amateur dramatics with the police by running down Park Row in the comfortable knowledge that the nice chaps in yellow will stop and protect you before you get hurt.

yours damply, WWW

Wet Wet Wet


09.10.2011 18:52

This article is complete bullshit and just self-promotion by a fascist troll. The description of yesterday's non-event is pure fantasy and there is no 'Leeds ARA'. This whole thread should be deleted as bullshit.


Same old story same old bullshit tactics from Tony White

09.10.2011 19:16

The whole of this thread starts to come into perspective when you realise Mr A.[ Tony ]White was at the demo/fiasco in Leeds.It amazes me when Tony 2 Coats rears his ugly head and is involved in yet another far right/fantasy group ,i wonder when searchlight accolyte/police informer/porn peddlar and abuser of kids on buses will be sussed out by his new friends in the infidels and told to fuck off ,for any Infidels reading this just ''Google Tony White Searchlight Informer '' for the full dirt on this scumbag......regards C.O.G

concerned of gipton


10.10.2011 22:59

This article is so OBVIOUSLY disinfo.



11.10.2011 00:17

Yet more bullshit, this whole thread is trolling to the limit.
For a start the nutzies were penned in and protected and sources tell that Whites in no position to walk never mind demonstrate.
This lot smacks of co intel pro doing there best to cause dissention as usual.
And the usual fantasy fascists havin a pop at one another.
Bicker Bicker Bicker Guess Guess Guess.
