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Countries with No Water

Tokia | 06.10.2011 07:39 | Climate Chaos | World

Imagine living in a country that has no fresh water? Well, it's happening in the Pacific. Some countries there have run out of fresh water.

Tokelau and Tuvala have no water. Parts of Samoa are also running out of water. Rising sea-levels and changing weather patterns have left some countries in the South Pacific with no fresh water. New Zealand and the US are sending bottled water and a tanker is sailing with a load of fresh water to Tuvalu. The Red Cross has donated two desalination machines.

States of Emergency have been declared in Tuvalu and Tokelau, and water rationing has been introduced in the parts of Samoa affected by the water crisis; they still have a few weeks supply left.

There seems to be minimal discussion about what can be done long-term. Even when (or if) the rains come in December, the old underground sources of freshwater are now permanently contaminated by rising sea levels. Plants are failing to grow and there are reports of animals dying after drinking from contaminated water sources.

This part of the world is in serious trouble.



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Errrrr, lack of research

06.10.2011 13:32

This happens every year you muppet. There are too many people living on these islands so they have to ship in water to support the population. They've been doing it since the 1950's.


Research fine

06.10.2011 21:06

The reason is much more than one of too many people, and yes, water has had to be shipped to these countries before during water shortages but now there is no water left. The underground water tables are contaminated and there is no fresh water left.
