Occupy Manchester continues into day 4
Occupy Everywhere | 05.10.2011 08:52 | Occupy Everywhere | World
Activists have been occupying Manchester for five nights now as part of the global movement of the 99%.
Since taking Albert Square on Sunday activists have been developing the Occupy Manchester camp and have recently moved to Peace Gardens in St Peter's Square after reaching agreement with Manchester Council and Greater Manchester Police that the occupation can continue for as long as people choose to remain.
OccupyMCR is a base for protest against the Tory Conference whilst developing a longer term presence in the heart of the city.
Currently around 10-15 tents with infrastructure and plans being discussed in open assemblies. The occupiers call for all types of support to keep the occupation going. Please think about coming to join the occupation or visiting with important resources for the needs of the occupiers (tents/food/camping equip).
Solidarity with the Manchester occupiers!
Keep up to date with information on twitter; #occupymcr
Report on Sunday's 30,000+ protest:
OccupyMCR is a base for protest against the Tory Conference whilst developing a longer term presence in the heart of the city.
Currently around 10-15 tents with infrastructure and plans being discussed in open assemblies. The occupiers call for all types of support to keep the occupation going. Please think about coming to join the occupation or visiting with important resources for the needs of the occupiers (tents/food/camping equip).
Solidarity with the Manchester occupiers!
Keep up to date with information on twitter; #occupymcr
Report on Sunday's 30,000+ protest:
Occupy Everywhere
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OccupyMcr update
05.10.2011 22:02
Rev. Paul Farnhill
e-mail: paul@cannabisassembly.org
Homepage: http://cannabisassembly.org/