Bristol Indymedia Presents Erasing David
ImcVol | 02.10.2011 22:55
Bristol Indymedia presents Erasing David, a documentary about surveillance, privacy and the database state. Described by the Observer as ‘chillingly admonitory‘, the film questions the well-repeated myth ‘if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Exposing the UK as one of the top three surveillance states in the world, after Russia and China, Erasing David investigates just how traceable we are.
Bristol Indymedia presents Erasing David, a documentary about surveillance, privacy and the database state. Described by the Observer as ‘chillingly admonitory‘, the film questions the well-repeated myth ‘if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Exposing the UK as one of the top three surveillance states in the world, after Russia and China, Erasing David investigates just how traceable we are.
David Bond, a UK citizen, decides to find out how much private companies and the government know about him by hiring private security guards to track him for thirty days as he attempts to disappear, a decision that changes his life forever. Leaving his pregnant wife and young child behind, he is followed across the database state on a chilling journey that forces him to contemplate the meaning of privacy and the loss of it. Featuring music by Michael Nyman.
At the Cube cinema, Dove St, Bristol. BS2 8JD, on the 3rd October 2011 at 8pm and entry is £3/£4 but nobody refused for lack of funds.
Original article on IMC Bristol: