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Attack against ‘Lexus’ by Fire Cell / FAI (UK)

Fire Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation | 26.09.2011 15:01 | Cambridge

Attack against ‘Lexus’ by Fire Cell / FAI (UK)

Reposted from 325 website

“This is a claim for setting alight an SUV at the Lexus car showroom on Coldhams Lane, Cambridge, early in the morning of 25/09/11. This is done pushed not just by hatred of this society but inflamed with solidarity for comrades Luciano in Chile and Tamara in Spain, as well as those anarchist fighters coming up for trial in Greece, the Antifa prisoners here in the UK and also those coming up for trial in the same case. Luciano ‘Tortuga’ was wounded in an attempted bomb attack on a bank in May, and is now held hostage by the Chilean state, up on trial three days ago. Tamara Hernandez was recently sentenced in Spain to 8 years for sending a letter bomb in October 2009 to the scumbag in charge of the prisons in Spain. The spread of the informal federation of the insurrectionary attack and stubborn solidarity continues in the hearts and minds of rebels around the globe. Repression will lead to escalation. Counter-insurgency will just feed the insurgency, polarise the population, making clear the social war. Chaos is inevitable!! And anarchy is always possible!”

Fire Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation
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Why it helps the State to post shit like the above on Indymedia

26.09.2011 23:39

Detailed explanations of why your pathetic stunts at best achieve nothing, at worst actively assist the State's agenda


27.09.2011 21:05

If you do a Who Is? search on, it comes up with a registrant's name of Thomas Weissbecker. Thomas Weissbecker a member of the Baader Meinhof gang who was shot by the police in the early 1970

1/ The Baader-Meinhof were Maoist-Leninist and absolutely NOT anarchists

2/ Tomy Weissbecker was an associate of Baader-Meinhof co-founder Horst Mahler, who later "came out" as and is currently an active Nazi

Please read this post -

The Gateway - Defeat, Prison, Death

27.09.2011 23:54

If Spinal Tap did Anarchism, this would be it - 325 magazine contains tons of material celebrating the pretentious, pompous and dangerously stupid "Conspiracy Cells of Fire", and it's a/ one of the dumbest magazines ever, b/ transparently a total set-up, but it does contain a few real gems...

"What does the muddle of casual hierarchies, ideological rackets, miserable cliques, identity ghettos, would-be leaders, dishonesty and backstabbing that we see before us if we look at much of the self-identifying 'anarchist movement' have to do with that? Very little except perhaps in words or in a stunted form. Clearly the movement in general is more interested in protecting ideological fortresses, recruiting followers, preserving the suffocating comfort of their scenes, and above all, following their harmless hobby, than in anarchy." (page 18)

"The anarchist carries out direct action. The ideas are working class, and the ideas are the tools. Anarchists love Anarchy, and they know that the only way to show their love is by action. They also know something else: That they are a minority position, nearly always, against the rest. Because of this they will not receive any glory, nor respect from any 'extraordinary' beings, be they geniuses or saints. It brings to them death for being rebels... But they are not monsters, they are at war against the social system, though deeply they live with the danger that a war has: defeat, prison, death" (page 30)

"In war there are moves that you get right and there are wrong moves, there are careful combatants and those who get carried away with enthusiasm and become an easy target for the enemy" E. Malatesta (page 34)

And finally, more poetry from the Vogon Captain... "There’s no new news in the world. God is still in heaven and the Devil in hell. Any of these whom show there faces to earth, could only go back yawning: la, la, la, always the same song!... And it’s like that, on the surface. We’re only new editions in old books: Humans always" (page 64)

Please don't confuse this shit with real Anarchism

Not defeated, not in prison, and still alive

Please continue fighting amongst yourselves

28.09.2011 09:37

Stop the Greek Anarchy!

Real Anarchism


28.09.2011 17:16

No don't stop the Greek anarchy, but do stop Greek anarchists from wrecking their own movement with terrorism. Conspiracy Cells of Fire are condemned by most *mainstream* anarchists in Greece, and if they really are a State set-up, then opposing them isn't fighting among "ourselves" it's fighting the State


Bullshit lies

28.09.2011 21:17

>"Conspiracy Cells of Fire are condemned by most *mainstream* anarchists in Greece, and if they >really are a State set-up, then opposing them isn't fighting among "ourselves" it's fighting the State"

You lying fucking maggot, they are not condemned by most "mainstream" anarchists in Greece - tell that to all the people in the solidarity meetings and going to the demos and outside the court, you fucking UK shit bag. They are certainly not a State set-up - they are ALL in prison as they took responsibility for their actions, which is more courageous than you can are, slagging them off like a fucking rat on the internet in your anonymity. They are young comrades who didn't give a shit about your fucking system with its safe pseudo-oppositional niche that you protect with your lies.

Terrorism is working all your life for fucking nothing and living a life with no meaning.
Fuck off cops of whatever stripe.

Black Bloc in Exarchia

Reply to "Black Bloc"

28.09.2011 23:42

"They are ALL in prison" - I rest my case


nice one!

28.09.2011 23:51

Well, I'm just a regular guy and I do always like to hear about things like this happening, even if it doesn't suit the theoretical wankery of some so-called anarchist commentators on here.

Stay safe out there!



29.09.2011 00:05

If you want people to "stay safe", keep them out of prison ;)


Rest your case and fuck off

29.09.2011 10:36

Go back to your hole idiotic liberal. There is nothing you can do to stop the social war.

Black Bloc with no law

325, incitement to murder, and Datacide magazine

29.09.2011 20:18

Much of the writing in 325 magazine goes right-up to the wire in terms of not quite advocating homicidal terrorism, but it contains an article on nanotechnoloy that celebrates the theories of political serial-killer Theodore Kaczynski and which calls for the murder of nanotech scientists. To put things in perspective, Kaczynski's contributions to the glorious revolution include murdering a 38 year old man called Hugh Scrutton, for the crime of owning a computer store, and one of the "sick scientists" condemned by 325 is a researcher called Laura Palomares, who developed "artificial viruses that can fight diseases such as bovine rotavirus", treatments which even 325 says are "one hundred percent safe". The article argues that scientists only develop medical treatments to make people dependent on the system (!) and concludes that Laura Palomares is therefore "conscienceless". The article claims to have been written by an improbably named group called ITS / Individualists Tending toward the Wild, and claims responsibility for an ITS bomb which injured researchers at a University in Mexico. The article says that ITS act "without compassion and without mercy", says that ITS take the accusation that they're terrorists "as a compliment", and says that "our goal is to mutilate and even kill these scientists".

No-one from 325 magazine ever takes any form of medication then, right?

The graphic style of 325 is strikingly similar to a techno/ noise/ politics zine called Datacide (hmm, techno music... no miniaturisation tech or computers involved there). Datacide is designed, published and mostly written by a Swiss guy, currently resident in Berlin, who runs a label and shop both called Praxis Records. Acting on a hunch, it turns out the Praxis website is possibly the only place that sells print copies of 325. 325's ideas may be "working class" (see above), but this guy isn't, he's a rich kid who relies on periodic hand-outs from his dad. Datacide itself says that "in the 1990s we at Datacide and others tried to theorize the techno rave scene as a possible proletarian counter culture" as "for a moment" techno "had this potential, but no more, and it is now lost". Datacide always did have a bit of thing for Euro-terror groups, but now this "possible proletarian counter culture" is "lost" my view is they have, with equal naivete, transferred their affections onto the new wave of state-sponsored false-flag terror exemplified by jerks like ITS and Conspiracy Cells of Fire.

All this is however justified* because the real terrorism is "working all your life for fucking nothing and living a life with no meaning" (see above), while other defences of terrorism posted on Indymedia have admitted their author feels isolated, desperate, lonely etc (serial killer types usually do have pathetic lives). Note to idiot - if your life has no meaning please don't try to invest it with meaning by jeopardising the entire radical movement with dangerously irresponsible political stunts.... go away and work out how to get a life. This comment is a warning to Indymedia users to give these jerks a very wide berth.


(collateral damage)

29.09.2011 21:44

The alleged Individualists-Tending-toward-the-Wild bombing is widely reported on Earth First type blogs, but the Mexican newspaper El Universal says the injured person was not a nanotech researcher but a 21 year old maintenance worker called Alberto Alvarez Vazquez, which is another why terrorism is fucking stupid

Several of the ITS blog posts use a logo also used by Fire Cells / Conspiracy Cells of Fire

Fuck you

@Real Anarchism+Exarcheia

30.09.2011 17:11

@Real Anarchism

You obviously confused anarchy and anarchism which proves that you are just trolling. At this time there is no anarchy in any place of the world.


The majority of the anarchist movement did not show solidarity to CCF for political/philosophical reasons.
There is no way to listen somebody from the movement in Greece to condemn revolutionary struggle teams. This is not the movement's job but authorities job. Of course we have be criticized but the criticism must be done with our conditions and not with state and capital conditions. It is really well known that the authorities try to take off the political meanings of R.O something that helps their propaganda to accuse them for just criminality or provocateurs etc etc.



30.09.2011 20:29

Where did you get those clues, from Inspector Clouseau?

Cheers Buddy!



02.10.2011 15:01

Personal attacks and dangerous speculation have no place here. This site was created for anonymous direct action reports in the first place, if you don't like that, go elsewhere.



02.10.2011 17:22

Personal attacks and dangerous speculation have no place here? That means all posts concerning Mark Kennedy should be removed immediately? Pull the other one

As for "dangerous speculation", 325 calling for the murder of named individuals IS dangerous, dangerous to the entire radical movement, but it ain't speculation - it's there, in 325 magazine, in the PDF this thread links to

Oh do behave

TechNo! Is 325 funded by the Austrian Freemasons?

07.01.2012 14:28

Mark Kennedy is a pervert cop rapist and anybody who wants to question exposing him here is a fool, a cop, or worse. Get your head examined. And what the fuck does any of that have to do with 325? - nothing. GTFO.

As for your retarded opinions on the contents of 325 and what is "dangerous to the entire radical movement" - "Go fuck yourself" is the only appropriate answer, because there is no possible dialogue with trolls, grasses, cops or the stupidly domesticated.

And you certainly don't speak for the "entire radical movement", pig, because 325 is one of the most well known and infamous-successful anarchist zines/websites on the entire freakin' planet. Resume your desperate trolling in your attempts to be disruptive, you fucking low-life cops of the movement, you need a purpose in life.

325 smashes it every-time. If they printed actual "official 325 murder lists" I hope you trolls could make an appearance.
