EDL's Tommy Robinson releases September Video Diary
EDL News | 21.09.2011 19:17 | Anti-racism
After a week of anticipation Tommy has released a video diary detaining as promised (sort of) the truth behind what has been going on over the last few weeks. Tommy talks about severing links with the Jewish Division, how victimised he is, how skint he is and doesn't talk about his 'hunger strike'
After a week of anticipation Tommy has released a video diary detaining as promised (sort of) the truth behind what has been going on over the last few weeks.
One glaringly obvious omission was any mention of his hunger strike, which suggests to us that whilst EDL members were on hunger strike in sympathy and collecting for their poor starving leader's legal funds, Tommy was tucking into some delicious halal prison grubs, so much so he headed straight to a halal Nandos upon his release.
Tommy also appears to have been getting it in the neck from a certain section of the English Defence League about the funds that were collected.
Tommy tells us that they can request a refund if they really really want to but he wanted to hang on to the money to help out Mr B Holmes who is currently languishing in prison, on remand for allededly attacking some Asians at a North West Infidel flash demo in Brierfield, Lancashire.
Mr B aka Bernard Holmes is already known to us as he has previously been banged up for launching a sickening attack on a man outside a bar in Blackburn, leaving him with brain damage. Here is the free Bernard Facebook page if you can be bothered to have a look.
Newspaper report
Holmes, who is famed for dressing up as a chicken and harrasing people at the local KFC, claimed he gave up the EDL for the sake of his family but it did not last long, with a child due in November he is in prison and Tommy has stated he will come to the rescue.
Tommy has asked those who donated if they can use the legal fund to get bail woth £5,000 for Holmes. They raised a rather impressive £3,000 and Tommy is asking for another £2,000 to get this violent thug let back out on the streets.
Tommy's last video diary was to unsucessfully dispel myths that he had embezeled the legal fund set up for John 'Snowy' Shaw after he was nicked for staging a two man roof top demo on a proposed mosque site with Leon McCreery.
Next up we have some paper 'evidence' that poor Tommy is skint. He produced a County Court Judgement against his wife, a mortgage statement which is suppose to show he is four months in arrears and a nasty letter from the tax man.
Tommy goes on to thank the screws in the prison for keeping him on the nonce wing and keeping him safe away for the islamic infidels which he claims run the prison. "I had pictures of Winston Churchill on my cell wall, and a picture of the Queen wearing an EDL hat' he claims.
A fresh new Jewish Division was next on the agenda when he announces that Jame Cohen will be in charge. He seems to have finally shat on batty Berta Moore and Rapey Robert Bartholomeus from a grand height. We eagerly await a statement from the old Jewish Division on matters.
A trip to America is in the pipeline for an important meeting, no doubt to procure funds from the Tea Party or other dubious source. He has perhaps forgotten he was shown the door before he even entered the country last time he tried.
Tommy lasted a whole 11 minutes before tearing into muslims and has stated that they will return to Tower Hamlets and have a protest right outside the East London mosque. Good luck with that EDL, only one coach actually made it to Tower Hamlets last time and the entire coach load got chased out and they all ended up arrested.
He finishes with a whinathon about how badly they were treated on the 9/11 memorial day where his boys and fellow extremists were brawling in the streets and ruined the day for everyone.
Anyway, here is the Video. Enjoy or something.
Performance 6/10 - Camera Work 6/10 - Video Editing 2/10 - Overall 4.5/10
Summary: Overall a very defensive and touchy performance. No mention of the hunger strike which we were all waiting to hear about and lots of complaints about victimisation. Shoddy camera work and poor video editing. If this film was Carlsberg, it would still taste like shit.
One glaringly obvious omission was any mention of his hunger strike, which suggests to us that whilst EDL members were on hunger strike in sympathy and collecting for their poor starving leader's legal funds, Tommy was tucking into some delicious halal prison grubs, so much so he headed straight to a halal Nandos upon his release.
Tommy also appears to have been getting it in the neck from a certain section of the English Defence League about the funds that were collected.
Tommy tells us that they can request a refund if they really really want to but he wanted to hang on to the money to help out Mr B Holmes who is currently languishing in prison, on remand for allededly attacking some Asians at a North West Infidel flash demo in Brierfield, Lancashire.
Mr B aka Bernard Holmes is already known to us as he has previously been banged up for launching a sickening attack on a man outside a bar in Blackburn, leaving him with brain damage. Here is the free Bernard Facebook page if you can be bothered to have a look.
Newspaper report
Holmes, who is famed for dressing up as a chicken and harrasing people at the local KFC, claimed he gave up the EDL for the sake of his family but it did not last long, with a child due in November he is in prison and Tommy has stated he will come to the rescue.
Tommy has asked those who donated if they can use the legal fund to get bail woth £5,000 for Holmes. They raised a rather impressive £3,000 and Tommy is asking for another £2,000 to get this violent thug let back out on the streets.
Tommy's last video diary was to unsucessfully dispel myths that he had embezeled the legal fund set up for John 'Snowy' Shaw after he was nicked for staging a two man roof top demo on a proposed mosque site with Leon McCreery.
Next up we have some paper 'evidence' that poor Tommy is skint. He produced a County Court Judgement against his wife, a mortgage statement which is suppose to show he is four months in arrears and a nasty letter from the tax man.
Tommy goes on to thank the screws in the prison for keeping him on the nonce wing and keeping him safe away for the islamic infidels which he claims run the prison. "I had pictures of Winston Churchill on my cell wall, and a picture of the Queen wearing an EDL hat' he claims.
A fresh new Jewish Division was next on the agenda when he announces that Jame Cohen will be in charge. He seems to have finally shat on batty Berta Moore and Rapey Robert Bartholomeus from a grand height. We eagerly await a statement from the old Jewish Division on matters.
A trip to America is in the pipeline for an important meeting, no doubt to procure funds from the Tea Party or other dubious source. He has perhaps forgotten he was shown the door before he even entered the country last time he tried.
Tommy lasted a whole 11 minutes before tearing into muslims and has stated that they will return to Tower Hamlets and have a protest right outside the East London mosque. Good luck with that EDL, only one coach actually made it to Tower Hamlets last time and the entire coach load got chased out and they all ended up arrested.
He finishes with a whinathon about how badly they were treated on the 9/11 memorial day where his boys and fellow extremists were brawling in the streets and ruined the day for everyone.
Anyway, here is the Video. Enjoy or something.
Performance 6/10 - Camera Work 6/10 - Video Editing 2/10 - Overall 4.5/10
Summary: Overall a very defensive and touchy performance. No mention of the hunger strike which we were all waiting to hear about and lots of complaints about victimisation. Shoddy camera work and poor video editing. If this film was Carlsberg, it would still taste like shit.

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