Nato Is Murdering Civilian Men, Women and Children In Libya.
Lloyd Hart | 17.09.2011 15:41 | Analysis | Cambridge
Nato Is Murdering Civilian Men, Women and Children In Libya.
By Lloyd Hart
Clearly Nato is pushing the old American doctrine of unconditional surrender in Libya as they did in WWII creating a brutal ending for civilians and combatants alike. Just as in WWII, civilians are being slaughtered by a brutal bombing campaign that civilians in America and Europe should be ashamed of. In WWII Franklin Roosevelt declared the allies would only accept an unconditional surrender from Japan, Germany and Italy which led to the fire bombings of European and Japanese cities with napalm killing millions of civilians. It is as if we have completely ignored recent history in Iraq and Afghanistan and allowed our demonic thirst for the control of the world oil supply to trump all our senses and allow our leaders to twist the facts so wickedly that we have grown callous where we once responded to the plight of our fellow civilians around the world
By demanding an unconditional surrender from Gaddafi and the tribes loyal to him Nato is forcing Gaddafi and the tribes loyal to him to fight to the death as ones own safety is uncertain especially when violent, murderous, racist reprisals are being committed against Gaddafi supporters and black workers in Nato captured territory by Nato's stooge pan Arab mercenary thugs. Allowing ones own enemy to maintain their dignity and safety through a negotiated ceasefire and conditional surrender goes along way to maintaining a lasting peace but the Americans and the Europeans have developed a colonial campaign system of total demonization of the enemy and therefore total destruction of the enemy. All through the Nato campaign to capture Libya' oil, Gaddafi has been offering negotiations which have been rejected out of hand with Nato demanding Gaddafi's surrender first, which is of course, complete hypocrisy as the International criminal court has brought charges against Gaddafi and his sons forcing them to fight to the death as the ICC is a racist colonial tool apart of the colonial campaign system of total demonization of the enemy and therefore total destruction of the enemy.
And because the Nato terrorist attacks on Libyan civilians is being led by America's first black president who is a democrat, there is almost complete silence from the Bush Regime's Iraq war critics. Where are the American and British peace movements now? The Labour party can't really speak up because they helped America murder 1.5 million Iraqi's to capture that country's oil for British Petroleum. So the leaders of the of the European and American elected left have been neutered and the civilian slaughter goes on.
After bill Clinton manufactured the political situation in the nineties by signing an executive order preventing UN troops from taking action according to their traditional mandate to protect civilians, which then led to UN troops standing on the sidelines while the Rwandan genocide continued before their very eyes and with Clinton defacto replacing UN troop deployments with the Nato thugs, civilians are now treated as collateral damage in all of Nato's deployments like the ridiculous bombing of Kosovo. A traditional UN troop deployment would have been a slow but steady march forward by ground troops constantly negotiating with the combatants to divide their forces to an negotiated peaceful settlement but thanks to Bill Clinton and now Barrack Obama, Nato, commanded by white racist conservatives is running a colonial racist agenda in Afghanistan and Libya. Which will spread to the rest of oil, mineral and farmland rich Africa.
The question the white racist people of Europe and American must ask themselves is when the fuck will we mind our own fucking business and stay out of other peoples countries and stop stealing other people's resources? Do our wasteful life styes here in the west trump the lives of children in Bani Walid or in Serte?
If their are sane people in Europe and America then it is time for us to topple the completely unrepentant racist war machine we call our governments and replace them with actual democracies instead of these financial dictatorships where we simply get to vote in a rigged system for the less worst puppet controlled by the financial dictators of banking and commerce.
At least under Gaddafi the people had much greater financial democracy than the west with free health care, free education and constant spending to keep the bellies of Libyan children full of good food. Now Nato is bombing Libyan children to death when their UN mandate is to protect them.
Civilian deaths in Libya: who’s killing who?
By Lloyd Hart
Clearly Nato is pushing the old American doctrine of unconditional surrender in Libya as they did in WWII creating a brutal ending for civilians and combatants alike. Just as in WWII, civilians are being slaughtered by a brutal bombing campaign that civilians in America and Europe should be ashamed of. In WWII Franklin Roosevelt declared the allies would only accept an unconditional surrender from Japan, Germany and Italy which led to the fire bombings of European and Japanese cities with napalm killing millions of civilians. It is as if we have completely ignored recent history in Iraq and Afghanistan and allowed our demonic thirst for the control of the world oil supply to trump all our senses and allow our leaders to twist the facts so wickedly that we have grown callous where we once responded to the plight of our fellow civilians around the world
By demanding an unconditional surrender from Gaddafi and the tribes loyal to him Nato is forcing Gaddafi and the tribes loyal to him to fight to the death as ones own safety is uncertain especially when violent, murderous, racist reprisals are being committed against Gaddafi supporters and black workers in Nato captured territory by Nato's stooge pan Arab mercenary thugs. Allowing ones own enemy to maintain their dignity and safety through a negotiated ceasefire and conditional surrender goes along way to maintaining a lasting peace but the Americans and the Europeans have developed a colonial campaign system of total demonization of the enemy and therefore total destruction of the enemy. All through the Nato campaign to capture Libya' oil, Gaddafi has been offering negotiations which have been rejected out of hand with Nato demanding Gaddafi's surrender first, which is of course, complete hypocrisy as the International criminal court has brought charges against Gaddafi and his sons forcing them to fight to the death as the ICC is a racist colonial tool apart of the colonial campaign system of total demonization of the enemy and therefore total destruction of the enemy.
And because the Nato terrorist attacks on Libyan civilians is being led by America's first black president who is a democrat, there is almost complete silence from the Bush Regime's Iraq war critics. Where are the American and British peace movements now? The Labour party can't really speak up because they helped America murder 1.5 million Iraqi's to capture that country's oil for British Petroleum. So the leaders of the of the European and American elected left have been neutered and the civilian slaughter goes on.
After bill Clinton manufactured the political situation in the nineties by signing an executive order preventing UN troops from taking action according to their traditional mandate to protect civilians, which then led to UN troops standing on the sidelines while the Rwandan genocide continued before their very eyes and with Clinton defacto replacing UN troop deployments with the Nato thugs, civilians are now treated as collateral damage in all of Nato's deployments like the ridiculous bombing of Kosovo. A traditional UN troop deployment would have been a slow but steady march forward by ground troops constantly negotiating with the combatants to divide their forces to an negotiated peaceful settlement but thanks to Bill Clinton and now Barrack Obama, Nato, commanded by white racist conservatives is running a colonial racist agenda in Afghanistan and Libya. Which will spread to the rest of oil, mineral and farmland rich Africa.
The question the white racist people of Europe and American must ask themselves is when the fuck will we mind our own fucking business and stay out of other peoples countries and stop stealing other people's resources? Do our wasteful life styes here in the west trump the lives of children in Bani Walid or in Serte?
If their are sane people in Europe and America then it is time for us to topple the completely unrepentant racist war machine we call our governments and replace them with actual democracies instead of these financial dictatorships where we simply get to vote in a rigged system for the less worst puppet controlled by the financial dictators of banking and commerce.
At least under Gaddafi the people had much greater financial democracy than the west with free health care, free education and constant spending to keep the bellies of Libyan children full of good food. Now Nato is bombing Libyan children to death when their UN mandate is to protect them.
Civilian deaths in Libya: who’s killing who?
Lloyd Hart
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Not so nice now the shoe is on the other foot is it?
17.09.2011 15:49
And what about all the violent, murderous, racist attacks on the people who were not loyal to Gaddafi committed by those dogs who supported Gaddafi? All these years where they murder and rape, now they have pay back their dare ask for mercy.
Mr Hart's ignorance.
17.09.2011 17:16
He is ignorant of history.
The reason why this condition was imposed came out of the end of WW I and the rise of Hitler. Because the German army was never defeated in the field, and because the Allies never reached German territory, the myth grew up of the 'stab in the back', ably exploited by HItler.
Nowe Mr Hart is either ignorant, or wilfully distorting history for his own rhetorical purposes. I leave the reader to decide which.
an historian
an historian whit?
17.09.2011 19:08
no flag
Grow up and get real
17.09.2011 20:36
People die in wars and revolutions, and many of them are civilians.
But don't get all smug with us.
an historian
Unconditional surrender
17.09.2011 21:21
My mother in law's father was one of the Japanese diplomats that was negotiating a conditional surrender with the Allied forces using the Russians as intermediaiers before the atomic bombs were dropped. The Americans dropped the bombs and demanded an unconditional surrender.
Lloyd Hart
Unconditional surrender
17.09.2011 21:37
And as you are no doubt aware, but have evaded answering, the reason was the feelng in Germany that they hadn't really lost the war. Hitler made great play of this during his rise to power. Hence the demand.
Japan might have put out some diplomatic feelers prior to the atom bomb.That does not mean they'd be remotely acceptable to the Allies. It's in the interests of any country which realises it's losing a war to try and get as favourable a settlement as possible.The atom bomb shortened the war by a very considerable period - it's obviously impossible to say how long - and it saved the lives of tens of thousnads of Allied servicemen.
an historian
No evidence, no point.
17.09.2011 22:18
Yeah sure...cos two wrongs make a right don't they.
Go back to sleep.
Countering the western imperialist lies and propaganda
18.09.2011 04:44
An excellent source of daily updated news and information on the events leading up to the NATO intervention, ongoing political analysis of the situation and recent videos and articles is to be found at
Global Civilians for Peace in Libya
Sam Carrington
to the mods
18.09.2011 07:34
However, I am a little bemused as to why a post pointing out factual errors in the original post has been hidden as contrary to the editorial guidelines.
an historian
2 Libyan pilots have just returned.....
19.09.2011 13:00
It is Gaddifi who is slaughtering the innocent - not Nato.
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