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Angry students head back to streets

vast minority | 17.09.2011 11:35

ANGER among students in the UK is still very much alive, with another big protest announced for November 9 2011. And memories of police brutality against last winter's protests have been revived with the release of shocking new footage showing a rather subdued protest being suddenly attacked by a charge of police horses, sparking a feisty reaction (see website link).

This year's student protests are planned to fit in with trade union activity against neoliberal 'austerity' measures being imposed on the UK, as elsewhere.

Today's statement from a range of student groups (though not the discredited NUS) says: "As student campaigners, we fully support the trade union movement’s campaign against austerity, including the biggest wave of strike action since 1926.

"The government’s plans for universities represent a threat to the very purpose of education, with the poor being priced out of a marketised system of private providers, while school and FE students are being robbed of basic support.

"The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts has now called a national education demonstration for Wednesday November 9th, and we will organise for a day of mass direct action and walkouts to coincide with the strike. We will not allow this government to abolish the welfare state and destroy our futures."

vast minority
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Very pleased to hear about the demo

17.09.2011 13:31

Very pleased to hear about the demo, however a term like Vast Minority might seem witty to you, but to the rest of us it's just confusing, and any use of the term "minority" seems like a bit of an own goal?

Similarly there's a radical blogger who calls him/herself "Infantile Disorder" - they might as well call their blog "this blog is bollocks". There's a certain thread of pseudo-ironic radical humour which seems to come out of the 80s punk scene but which is out of touch and counter-productive in the 21st century


Agree, but....

17.09.2011 15:49

Totally agree - it's too often that we let in-jokes make us look silly. There was to be an anarchist demo/conference in London a couple of years ago that was going to be called the 'Summit against everything'!

However, to put a little context, I guess 'vast minority' is a reference to police assertions that violence on demos is committed by a 'vast minority', despite frequently contradictory evidence.

'infantile disorder' is written by a communist of some kind (still a good blog in my opinion). The name is derived from a Lenin pamphlet 'left wing communism - an infantile disorder' in which about everyone on the left except the Bolshevics are attacked.

I agree that it would be easy to misconstrue these names, but I think there is some kind of relevant context to them.

Town End Boy


19.09.2011 15:50

Perhaps you should just judge the content and not the posters name.............

General Degenerate