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How to destroy CCTV network boxes

Rioters Inc. | 13.09.2011 11:27 | August Riots | World

System failure

Destroy the Cameras
Destroy the Cameras

In a society of oppression and abuse, the cameras just come to add to the job of control and repression. Their destruction is one more act of resistance of all those who deny the subjection and continue the struggle for social transformation.

Rioters Inc.


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How to get the IndymediaUK site closed down by the authorities

14.09.2011 17:46 keeping posts like this on the site.

Free speech up to a point... IMC Guidelines need to say something about not allowing posts which provoke violence, because the state will and shut the site down.

I'm sure IMC mods, not being cops, could be discerning and only remove those posts which are obviously just being reactionary.


stoopid idea

15.09.2011 00:44

yeah, can't help finkin this would be betta on Phrack Magazine than on ere. Now everybody nose init.

Sarah Palin

How to destroy CCTV cameras...

15.09.2011 09:21

....without getting a custodial sentence

Wear a hat



15.09.2011 13:04

why didn't you incorporate the anarcho A into the cameras bit for better graphic design?

hlfgh el


15.09.2011 23:17

why didn't you incorporate the anarcho A into the cameras bit for better graphic design?

Because we'd be selling out to cool marketing graphic design where we try and get support through the use of a cool logo and marketing bullshit rather than the actual concept.


Inclusion of this work in ZTC / Temporarily Controlled Zone

18.11.2013 12:52

hello! this document has been included in the blog TARGET CCTV (, a repository of information on "contemporary culture around disabling surveillance systems", held between September and November 2013 as part of the project ZTC / Temporarily Controlled Zone...

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