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Don't forget the (antifascist) prisoners!

Leeds Anarchist Black Cross | 12.09.2011 12:54 | Anti-racism | Repression | Sheffield | South Coast

“Knowing there’s guys and girls like you on the outside supporting us makes such a difference...It’s really nice not to be forgotten and I’ll be eternally grateful to everyone.” – Ravi Gill

At the end of June, six antifascists were sent to jail for between fifteen and twenty one months on trumped-up ‘conspiracy’ charges. All are long-standing activists who deserve to be supported.

Austen and Thomas are still being held in Wormwood Scrubs prison in London, while the others have been moved to separate jails in the south of England.

Please send them letters of support at the addresses given below. They may each receive postage stamps and Postal Orders (made payable to ‘The Governor’ and with the prisoner’s name and prison number written on the back). For advice on writing to prisoners please see the Leeds ABC website.

A solidarity fund has been set up to support the prisoners in jail and upon release. It is administered by Leeds Anarchist Black Cross, a long-standing and reputable prisoner support organisation, and the fund will ONLY be used to support the prisoners directly. If you would like to contribute to the fund please send a cheque (made payable to ‘The Cable Street Society’) to Leeds ABC, 145-149 Cardigan Road, Leeds, LS6 1LJ. Details for bank transfers are:

The Cable Street Society
Sort Code 070093
Account number 33333334
Ref 0827/704169523

We would like to thank the groups and individuals who have already contributed to the solidarity fund, including Antifa England, Brighton & Hove TUC Unemployed Workers Centre, Bristol ABC, Kate Sharpley Library , and Rebel Soul (Shambala Festival).

The Anarchist print co-op Sabcat have also produced two benefit T-shirts in support of the prisoners (designs above). They are printed on organic cotton, fair wear, carbon neutral, Earth Positive T-shirts and cost £14.95 including UK postage. Sabcat are donating their labour for free, so apart from the cost of the unprinted garment itself and the postage, all money raised goes to the antifascist prisoners support fund. To order a T-shirt check out the Sabcat website at They will also be available to buy at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair.

Andy Baker
HMP Highpoint

Thomas Blak
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd

Thomas is Danish and would appreciate European/International stamps to keep in touch with his family and with comrades abroad.

Sean Cregan
HMP Coldingley
Shaftesbury Road
GU24 9EX

Sean can receive books (they must be new or in very good condition).

Phil De Souza
HMP Elmley
ME12 4AY

Ravinder Gill
HMP Wayland
IP25 6RL

Ravi can receive posters, so if you hold a support event consider sending him one in.

Austen Jackson
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd

Leeds Anarchist Black Cross
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Hide the following 3 comments

What an insult ...

12.09.2011 13:09

... your concentration photo and implied comparison is to the victims of the Holocaust.

Morality Inversion watch

EDL trolls

12.09.2011 14:29

Fuck off to the pair of EDL trolls above. The image isn't comparing the prisoners to concentration camp victims, if you have half a brain you'd realise it says 'for evil to triumph, it is necessary that good people do nothing.' It's showing the result of what happens when fascism goes unopposed.

The so-called 'victims' of the above incident were neo-Nazis. Are you defending them?


Questionable impact but obvious origin

13.09.2011 15:46

risk-free jobs for brainless voters
risk-free jobs for brainless voters

The people in this picture display the typical garb of concentration camp inmates, but they seem to be waiting for slave labour in the missile factory rather than for surprise death in the gas chamber. You can see this from the fact that this handful of people apparently represent the fittest individuals out of an originally much larger group. These days the German war industry is itself a prisoner of its international customers, without which the Nazi enablers in the Reichstag would be bankrupt already.

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