The English Defence League and Redwatch
EDL News | 09.09.2011 21:22 | Anti-racism | Repression
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It has long been suspected that the English Defence League have been in bed with white supremacists Redwatch.
Redwatch is an organisation set up by the far right British People's party in an attempt to track down the home addresses and work places of people who protest against them both on the street and the political stage.

It has long been suspected that the English Defence League have been in bed with white supremacists Redwatch.
Redwatch is an organisation set up by the far right British People's party in an attempt to track down the home addresses and work places of people who protest against them both on the street and the political stage.
It has long been suspected that the English Defence League have been in bed with white supremacists Redwatch.
Redwatch is an organisation set up by the far right British People's party in an attempt to track down the home addresses and work places of people who protest against them both on the street and the political stage. They also have a website where they publish covert photos of their intended victims and their members are encouraged to harass them and inflict violence on them.
The website's slogan is "Remember places, traitors' faces, they'll all pay for their crimes", a quote from neo-Nazi musician Ian Stuart Donaldson.
It typically targets activists in political parties, advocacy groups, trade unions and the media and are mainly composed of Combat 18, National Front , the BNP and fringe neo Nazi groups such as Blood and Honour.
According to Searchlight, a Leeds teacher who complained about a far right activist, Antony White, leafleting his school, had his details listed on Redwatch, allegedly after the jailing of White. Far right supporters then firebombed the teacher's car. According to Indymedia, an anti-racist was followed and attacked on May 16, 2006 after the recent appearance of his personal data on the Redwatch website.
The assailants reportedly shouted "We'll kill you, you leftist motherfucker!".Merseyside Trades Union Congress organiser Alec McFadden received death threats shortly after his details appeared on the website. At precisely the same time, Joe Owens, a Merseyside BNP candidate with several convictions for violent offences, began sending him emails gloating that he had photographic details of his house, car and family.
The EDL's Redwatch photographer is a shadowy individual called Regan Hamilton who has on numerous occasions made his photography available to Redwatch.
Photos have included journalists who have attended demonstrations and members of opposing groups including Unite Against Fascism. hamilton is thought to be based in the north of England be has been seen sporting an EDL Somerset Division 'hoodie'
The English Defence League have long intimidated photographers with two being escorted away by police at the Telford demonstration for their own safety after threats of violence and two cases at the recent Tower Hamlets demonstration. The National Union of Journalist reported that an EDL member tried to set fire to one photographer with lighter fluid and a female photographer was sexually assaulted.
A number of journalist have contacted us asking for the identification of this man after they have had their photo appear on Redwatch, on each occasion Hamilton was present and taking photos of the journalists and photographers.
One of Hamilton's photographs appeared on Redwatch depicting a young lady distributing leaflets at an EDL demonstration. Hamilton appears in the foreground. This photo appeared on Redwatch's website within days along with her personal details and her work information. We have blocked this out for obvious reasons.
In a chilling development at this weekend's EDL 'Tower Hamlets demonstration, the EDL's Nottingham coach strayed into Tower Hamlets and got a hostile reception and their coach came under fire from locals who did not want them in the borough. Under bizarre circumstances, hardcore EDL racist Joanne Dickens fell out of the emergency door and someone kicked her from behind. Two men were videoing the incident and were laughing on the video. The EDL coach drove off leaving her behind whilst a Muslim gentlemen lead her to safety. The video went viral on YouTube.
All 44 member sof the coach poarty were subsequently arrested on a varity of public order offences. More can be read on this here with screen shots of Dicken's vile racist abuse here.
These two men have incurred the wrath of the English Defence League and vows were made by members to track them down. The following post was made on Dicken's Facebook wall this morning.
This has been passed to Plymouth based Mike Rafferty who, along with his fiance (the EDL's deputy regional co-ordinator) and two associates are currently facing charges for a violent racist attack on a Plymouth kebab house after and EDL 'meet and greet'. Details here.
Details of this morning's posts were passed to Nottinghamshire Police this morning.
Not long afterwards details of the two men appeared on Redwatch, who have tracked down their names and where they work. By the evening their details had appeared on the white nationalist/nazi website Vanguard News Network. Whilst no fans of the EDL themselves because the EDL claim to tolerate jews, someone connected to the EDL have informed them that they intend to harrass these men in their work places.
Redwatch is an organisation set up by the far right British People's party in an attempt to track down the home addresses and work places of people who protest against them both on the street and the political stage. They also have a website where they publish covert photos of their intended victims and their members are encouraged to harass them and inflict violence on them.
The website's slogan is "Remember places, traitors' faces, they'll all pay for their crimes", a quote from neo-Nazi musician Ian Stuart Donaldson.
It typically targets activists in political parties, advocacy groups, trade unions and the media and are mainly composed of Combat 18, National Front , the BNP and fringe neo Nazi groups such as Blood and Honour.
According to Searchlight, a Leeds teacher who complained about a far right activist, Antony White, leafleting his school, had his details listed on Redwatch, allegedly after the jailing of White. Far right supporters then firebombed the teacher's car. According to Indymedia, an anti-racist was followed and attacked on May 16, 2006 after the recent appearance of his personal data on the Redwatch website.
The assailants reportedly shouted "We'll kill you, you leftist motherfucker!".Merseyside Trades Union Congress organiser Alec McFadden received death threats shortly after his details appeared on the website. At precisely the same time, Joe Owens, a Merseyside BNP candidate with several convictions for violent offences, began sending him emails gloating that he had photographic details of his house, car and family.
The EDL's Redwatch photographer is a shadowy individual called Regan Hamilton who has on numerous occasions made his photography available to Redwatch.
Photos have included journalists who have attended demonstrations and members of opposing groups including Unite Against Fascism. hamilton is thought to be based in the north of England be has been seen sporting an EDL Somerset Division 'hoodie'
The English Defence League have long intimidated photographers with two being escorted away by police at the Telford demonstration for their own safety after threats of violence and two cases at the recent Tower Hamlets demonstration. The National Union of Journalist reported that an EDL member tried to set fire to one photographer with lighter fluid and a female photographer was sexually assaulted.
A number of journalist have contacted us asking for the identification of this man after they have had their photo appear on Redwatch, on each occasion Hamilton was present and taking photos of the journalists and photographers.
One of Hamilton's photographs appeared on Redwatch depicting a young lady distributing leaflets at an EDL demonstration. Hamilton appears in the foreground. This photo appeared on Redwatch's website within days along with her personal details and her work information. We have blocked this out for obvious reasons.
In a chilling development at this weekend's EDL 'Tower Hamlets demonstration, the EDL's Nottingham coach strayed into Tower Hamlets and got a hostile reception and their coach came under fire from locals who did not want them in the borough. Under bizarre circumstances, hardcore EDL racist Joanne Dickens fell out of the emergency door and someone kicked her from behind. Two men were videoing the incident and were laughing on the video. The EDL coach drove off leaving her behind whilst a Muslim gentlemen lead her to safety. The video went viral on YouTube.
All 44 member sof the coach poarty were subsequently arrested on a varity of public order offences. More can be read on this here with screen shots of Dicken's vile racist abuse here.
These two men have incurred the wrath of the English Defence League and vows were made by members to track them down. The following post was made on Dicken's Facebook wall this morning.
This has been passed to Plymouth based Mike Rafferty who, along with his fiance (the EDL's deputy regional co-ordinator) and two associates are currently facing charges for a violent racist attack on a Plymouth kebab house after and EDL 'meet and greet'. Details here.
Details of this morning's posts were passed to Nottinghamshire Police this morning.
Not long afterwards details of the two men appeared on Redwatch, who have tracked down their names and where they work. By the evening their details had appeared on the white nationalist/nazi website Vanguard News Network. Whilst no fans of the EDL themselves because the EDL claim to tolerate jews, someone connected to the EDL have informed them that they intend to harrass these men in their work places.
EDL News