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EDL / Casuals United / Infidels = Violent Racism

Nokia N85/6 | 09.09.2011 12:30 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

As shown by this montage of screen shots, EDL organiser Jeff Marsh's Casuals United group and the EDL splinter groups called the Infidels are different branches of one and the same organisation.

As shown by this montage of screen shots, EDL organiser Jeff Marsh's Casuals United group and the EDL splinter groups called the Infidels are different branches of one and the same organisation. As shown by the overt anti-Asian, anti-black and anti-Jewish racism posted on Facebook by the North West Infidels, Anti-Fascists were right all along - what these people advocate is extreme racism.

They'll be demonstrating in Edinburgh tomorrow and "in the North" (location tbc) on the 8th of October, promising violence against anyone who opposes them -

Adrian Tudway really needs to stop lying to the public about these people

Nokia N85/6


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09.09.2011 13:04

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Title: Infidels?

09.09.2011 21:59

That would be anyone who isn't a Muslim then?

move on and stop trying to convert me to your religion

Title: Infidels?

09.09.2011 22:36

The term "Infidels" can refer to anyone who isn't a Muslim, or it can apply to any of the "Infidels" groups founded by EDL activist John Snowy Shaw. Apply common-sense to working out which of these is being referred to here... Jeffrey ;)


@move on

09.09.2011 23:48

"Infidel" basically means "one without faith" ..... it is generally a derogatory term for an atheist, in the same vain that "nigger" is a derogatory term for a black person. In reality and fairness, it probably should be banned and frowned upon as it is basically attacking those who choose a religion of not having a religion.

I think the confusion is occurring because there is a group called the "Infidels" which the article is actually referring to.



10.09.2011 12:33

'In reality and fairness, it probably should be banned and frowned upon'

So you now want to ban words as well eh? Where do you draw the line then? Scouse? Jock? Taffy? Paddy? Chinky? Yank? Frog?

Seriously....Listen to yourselves!

Sarky Twat

@Sarky Twat

10.09.2011 14:31

I'm only saying this because I noticed that black people don't like to be called niggers, nignogs or darkies. Similarly, asian people don't like to be called pakis or sandniggers. And white people don't like to be called Infidels.

By 'banned' i mean they incite racial hatred.
Not sure what you mean by "showing true colours"? What? That i don't like racist slurs?


Bill Baker

11.09.2011 02:08

South East Infidels is run by Bill Baker



18.09.2011 14:20

Northwest Infidels hate Jewish people.

Jon Snowy Shaw openly boasts he reads Mein Kamph and the Protocols of the Elders Of Zion.

The sad neo-Nazi Hitler-loving twat thinks it's real and not a sick Russian forgery.



03.10.2011 08:58

NWI is run by ste latimer, hes the admin posting all the racist crap as North West Infidels Snowys group are called The Infidels and are teamed up with Snowys lot but Marshs mob are seperate and they dont get on. They all use that same "casual" drawing is all theyv got in common. They are all racists but you wont see any of Marshes lot using racism online, they are slyer than latimer and snowy. Bill Baker is in line with cfx and snowy at the moment but will fall out with them as every group hes attached himself to eventually fuck him off.



06.10.2011 15:50

As shown by this montage of screen shots, EDL organiser Jeff Marsh's Casuals United group and the EDL splinter groups called the Infidels are different branches of one and the same organisation.

The above statement was obviously written by a muppet, heres some facts 1. You are obsessed with Jeff Marsh on here and blame him for everything, sometimes i feel its his ex mrs writing half the shit its that deranged and bitter. Hes not an EDL organiser, hes a Casuals organiser.

2. The Infidels groups are run by Snowy and various others you dont even know half of thems names. Snowy and Marsh do not get on.

3. "different branches of one and the same organisation". Now you know as well as we do that EDL, Casuals, and Infidels, although they share some goals, are three completely different groups and do not share memberships.

Will you listen to this advice? No, youll keep spouting shite and making yourselves a laughing stock.

Casuals blog doesnt even bother taking the piss out of your idiotic statements anymore, they are happy to let you keep typing nonsense.

Toodle oo

No shit sherlock

how does this prove anything?

10.01.2012 10:05

they all use a well known football thug image that is found on google images? how does it link them? all hooligans is the only link
